maxamillion / ansible-openshift_origin

Ansible Playbook for OpenShift Origin
24 stars 12 forks source link

running playbook locally fails #9

Closed mxmader closed 11 years ago

mxmader commented 11 years ago
[root@ip-10-235-48-196 ansible-openshift_origin]# cat /etc/fedora-release
Fedora release 19 (Schrödingerâs Cat)
[root@ip-10-235-48-196 ansible-openshift_origin]# ansible --version
ansible 1.2.2

[root@ip-10-235-48-196 ansible-openshift_origin]# ansible-playbook --connection local site.yml

PLAY [all] ********************************************************************

GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
ok: []

TASK: [Setup OpenShift Origin Nightly Repo] ***********************************
fatal: [] => Conditional expression must evaluate to True or False: {% if oo_nightly == "true" %} True {% else %} False {% endif %}

FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
           to retry, use: --limit @/var/tmp/ansible/site.retry              : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=1    failed=0

Perhaps this related to the following upstream ansible bug:

I will try this again with the ansible development branch and see what happens

mxmader commented 11 years ago

Yeah... seems that this is fixed by using the latest ansible 1.3 (master):

[root@ip-10-235-48-196 ansible-openshift_origin]# ansible-playbook --connection local site.yml

PLAY [all] ********************************************************************

GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
ok: []

TASK: [Setup OpenShift Origin Nightly Repo] ***********************************
changed: []

TASK: [Setup OpenShift Origin Nightly Supplemental Repo] **********************
changed: []

TASK: [Setup OpenShift Origin Stable] *****************************************
skipping: []

TASK: [Setup OpenShift Origin Nightly Supplemental Repo] **********************
skipping: []

TASK: [SELinux Enforcing (Targeted)] ******************************************
ok: []

TASK: [Ensure Installed - policycoreutils] ************************************
ok: []

TASK: [Ensure Installed - policycoreutils-python] *****************************
ok: []

TASK: [Ensure Install - firewalld] ********************************************
mxmader commented 11 years ago

To get around this, I ran:

yum remove -y ansible
git clone
cd ansible
python install

Then I re-ran the playbook.

maxamillion commented 11 years ago

Awesome, thanks! (sorry for the delay, been busy :X)