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Depend on markmap. Inspired by hexo-simple-mindmap.
Insert mindmap in your hexo blog by markmap.
From now all the syntax like HTML codes, links, inline code, markdown KaTeX, and Codeblocks are possible to use.
Codeblocks still have some problems which may throw some errors. More preview in my blog.
pnpm add hexo-markmap -D
npm install hexo-markmap --save-dev
yarn add hexo-markmap --dev
{% markmap height [depth] %}
- Markdown
- Syntax
{% endmarkmap %}
: mindmap canvas heightdepth
: optional, when specified, automatically fold nodes with level greater than depth
{% markmap 400px %}
- links
- **inline** ~~text~~ *styles*
- multiline
- `inline code`
- ```js
console.log('code block');
console.log('code block');
Add your options to config.yml.
Convention over configuration, if you don’t need any of the following features, then you don’t need to add these configs.
By default, it works well. Each option has a default value.
default value false
pjax: true
If your blog has pjax installed, please turn it on.
default value false
katex: true
If you need to use $K\kern-.25em\raise.45ex {\scriptstyle{A}}\kern-.15em\TeX$, please turn it on to insert the CSS links. If your $K\kern-.25em\raise.45ex {\scriptstyle{A}}\kern-.15em\TeX$ was already added in your blog by another way, then you needn't to do it.
If your blog has MathJax installed, please turn it on.
default value false
prism: true
If you need to use code blocks, please turn it on to insert the CSS links. If prism.css has already been added to your blog by another way, then you don’t need to do it.
d3_js: https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/d3@6
markmap_view_js: https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/markmap-view@0.2.7
katex_css: https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.12.0/dist/katex.min.css
prism_css: https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/prismjs@1.25.0/themes/prism.css
default value false
Disable the zoom and pan of the view.
lockView: true
Default value false
Due to unknown reasons, in some hexo themes (such as hexo-theme-volantis), during the process of loading the page, markmap will report an error Error: <g> attribute transform: Expected number, "translate(NaN,NaN) scale(N…".
This is because the zoom event of d3.js returns x, y, k attributes with NaN
values. As this is an upstream issue and the reason is currently unknown, this problem is fixed by a rather dirty patch method. This problem will not affect normal use whether it is turned on or off.
pjax: false
katex: false
prism: false
d3_js: https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/d3@6
markmap_view_js: https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/markmap-view@0.2.7
katex_css: https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.12.0/dist/katex.min.css
prism_css: https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/prismjs@1.25.0/themes/prism.css
lockView: false
fixSVGAttrNaN: false
Thanks to all contributors🥰!