maxdec / radioslack

This is a collaborative jukebox for Slack built with Elixir.
20 stars 1 forks source link

RS: Radio Slack

This is a collaborative jukebox for Slack built with Elixir.

How it works


This repository contains the code for a webserver that has 2 main endpoints:

Slack Integration

You need to add a "Slash Command" integration, with such settings:


In Slack:

Audio Stream

You can access the audio stream at $HOSTNAME/stream (http://localhost:4000/stream by default).
Most the players accept to open such a stream (it works with VLC or iTunes or even in your browser).

Getting Started

Running the Docker Image

If you just want to run it (with production settings), use the Docker image:

docker run \
  -p 4000:4000 \
  -e PORT=4000 \
  -e HOSTNAME= \
  -e SLACK_TOKEN=132456 \

Running the Elixir app

If you don't want to run a Docker container, you can run the elixir app.
That's the way to go for development.


Before running the app, make sure you have the following packages or binaries:

  1. Erlang/OTP and Elixir (obviously)


  2. ffmpeg for audio transcoding

    Please refer to the download page and follow the instructions for your OS.
    Example: sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

  3. goon (for Porcelain)

    Download the binary from the releases page and put it somewhere in your $PATH (e.g. in /usr/local/bin)


$ git clone
$ cd radioslack
$ mix deps.get compile
$ SLACK_TOKEN=123 SOUNDCLOUD_CLIENT_ID=456 mix run --no-halt

Now you have the radio server running at http://localhost:4000.

Environment Variables

You can configure the following environment variables:

PORT - Port for the server (Default: "4000")
HOSTNAME - The hostname to display in the links (Defaults: "http://localhost:4000")
SLACK_TOKEN - The verification token that is sent by Slack "Slash Commands" (Defaults: "123")
SOUNDCOUD_CLIENT_ID - SoundCloud API Client ID, required for SouldCloud tracks (Defaults: nil)

/!\ Those variables need to be set at compile time (not runtime).
