maxdemarzi / decision_trees_with_rules

POC Decision Tree traverser with rules
MIT License
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Decision Trees With Rules

POC Decision Tree traverser with rules

This project requires Neo4j 3.3.x or higher


This project uses maven, to build a jar-file with the procedure in this project, simply package the project with maven:

mvn clean package

This will produce a jar-file, target/decision_trees_with_rules-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar, that can be copied to the plugin directory of your Neo4j instance.

cp target/decision_trees_with_rules-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar neo4j-enterprise-3.3.1/plugins/.

Download and Copy two additional files to your Neo4j plugins directory:

Edit your Neo4j/conf/neo4j.conf file by adding this line:*    

Restart your Neo4j Server.

Create the Schema by running this stored procedure:

CALL com.maxdemarzi.schema.generate

Create some test data:

CREATE (tree:Tree { id: 'bar entrance' })
CREATE (over21_rule:Rule { name: 'Over 21?', parameter_names: 'age', parameter_types:'int', expression:'age >= 21' })
CREATE (gender_rule:Rule { name: 'Over 18 and female', parameter_names: 'age,gender', parameter_types:'int,String', expression:'(age >= 18) && gender.equals(\"female\")' })
CREATE (answer_yes:Answer { id: 'yes'})
CREATE (answer_no:Answer { id: 'no'})
CREATE (tree)-[:HAS]->(over21_rule)
CREATE (over21_rule)-[:IS_TRUE]->(answer_yes)
CREATE (over21_rule)-[:IS_FALSE]->(gender_rule)
CREATE (gender_rule)-[:IS_TRUE]->(answer_yes)
CREATE (gender_rule)-[:IS_FALSE]->(answer_no)

Try it:

CALL com.maxdemarzi.traverse.decision_tree('bar entrance', {gender:'male', age:'20'}) yield path return path;
CALL com.maxdemarzi.traverse.decision_tree('bar entrance', {gender:'female', age:'19'}) yield path return path;
CALL com.maxdemarzi.traverse.decision_tree('bar entrance', {gender:'male', age:'23'}) yield path return path;     

Evaluating Scripts instead of expressions.

Create some test data:

CREATE (tree:Tree { id: 'funeral' })
CREATE (good_man_rule:Rule { name: 'Was Lil Jon a good man?', parameter_names: 'answer_1', parameter_types:'String', script:'switch (answer_1) { case \"yeah\": return \"OPTION_1\"; case \"what\": return \"OPTION_2\"; case \"okay\": return \"OPTION_3\"; default: return \"UNKNOWN\"; }' })
CREATE (good_man_two_rule:Rule { name: 'I said, was he a good man?', parameter_names: 'answer_2', parameter_types:'String', script:'switch (answer_2) { case \"yeah\": return \"OPTION_1\"; case \"what\": return \"OPTION_2\"; case \"okay\": return \"OPTION_3\"; default: return \"UNKNOWN\"; }' })
CREATE (rest_in_peace_rule:Rule { name: 'May he rest in peace', parameter_names: 'answer_3', parameter_types:'String', script:'switch (answer_3) { case \"yeah\": return \"OPTION_1\"; case \"what\": return \"OPTION_2\"; case \"okay\": return \"OPTION_3\"; default: return \"UNKNOWN\"; } ' })
CREATE (answer_correct:Answer { id: 'correct'})
CREATE (answer_incorrect:Answer { id: 'incorrect'})
CREATE (answer_unknown:Answer { id: 'unknown'})
CREATE (tree)-[:HAS]->(good_man_rule)
CREATE (good_man_rule)-[:OPTION_1]->(answer_incorrect)
CREATE (good_man_rule)-[:OPTION_2]->(good_man_two_rule)
CREATE (good_man_rule)-[:OPTION_3]->(answer_incorrect)
CREATE (good_man_rule)-[:UNKNOWN]->(answer_unknown)

CREATE (good_man_two_rule)-[:OPTION_1]->(rest_in_peace_rule)
CREATE (good_man_two_rule)-[:OPTION_2]->(answer_incorrect)
CREATE (good_man_two_rule)-[:OPTION_3]->(answer_incorrect)
CREATE (good_man_two_rule)-[:UNKNOWN]->(answer_unknown)

CREATE (rest_in_peace_rule)-[:OPTION_1]->(answer_incorrect)
CREATE (rest_in_peace_rule)-[:OPTION_2]->(answer_incorrect)
CREATE (rest_in_peace_rule)-[:OPTION_3]->(answer_correct)
CREATE (rest_in_peace_rule)-[:UNKNOWN]->(answer_unknown);    

Try it:

CALL com.maxdemarzi.traverse.decision_tree_two('funeral', {answer_1:'yeah', answer_2:'yeah', answer_3:'yeah'}) yield path return path    
CALL com.maxdemarzi.traverse.decision_tree_two('funeral', {answer_1:'what', answer_2:'', answer_3:''}) yield path return path    
CALL com.maxdemarzi.traverse.decision_tree_two('funeral', {answer_1:'what', answer_2:'yeah', answer_3:'okay'}) yield path return path