maxloeffler / clashpi

A wrapper for the Clash Royale API for node
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This package contains a simple, asynchronous, free, dependency-free node.js library for using the Clash Royale API.




First import the library and create a Client object.

const { Client } = require('clashpi');
const client = new Client(APIKEY);

Then call functions on the Client object.

    .then(player => client

// OR




Get a list of all cards in the game, or filter by rarity or name

Get a list of all challenges

Get all information about a specific player

Get all (or a specific) upcoming chests of a specific player

Get the battle log of a specific player

Get a list of all locations in the game

Get a ranking of all clans in a certain location, either by clan ranking or by clan-war ranking

Get ranking of all players that played in a specific season, either by trophies or by path of legend rank

Get a list of all tournaments containing a specific name

Get all information of about a specific tournament

Get a list of all global tournaments