This package contains a simple, asynchronous, free, dependency-free node.js library for using the Clash Royale API.
using from here.clashpi
with npm install clashpi
My Account
from where you can access your API keys. Copy the entire key. Example:
First import the library and create a Client
const { Client } = require('clashpi');
const client = new Client(APIKEY);
Then call functions on the Client
.then(player => client
// OR
Get a list of all cards in the game, or filter by rarity or name
Get a list of all challenges
Get all information about a specific player
Get all (or a specific) upcoming chests of a specific player
Get the battle log of a specific player
Get a list of all locations in the game
Get a ranking of all clans in a certain location, either by clan ranking or by clan-war ranking
Get ranking of all players that played in a specific season, either by trophies or by path of legend rank
Get a list of all tournaments containing a specific name
Get all information of about a specific tournament
Get a list of all global tournaments