maxmx03 / dracula.nvim

Dracula.nvim is a port of the popular Dracula colorscheme for Neovim,
MIT License
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Many bugs with new update #11

Closed Bogdan-Torkhov closed 1 year ago

Bogdan-Torkhov commented 1 year ago

Have bug with transparency, and with lualine, and with dashboard And have the issue with cmp colors Screen with dashboard and tranparency: Screen with other bugs:

maxmx03 commented 1 year ago

I found out that the recent update only worked with lazy.nvim. However, I was able to fix the issue and tested it with packer.nvim, and it should be working fine now.

Bogdan-Torkhov commented 1 year ago

Lualine is black, and your config not fixed cmp issue screen:

Bogdan-Torkhov commented 1 year ago
local dracula_status, dracula = pcall(require, "dracula")
if not dracula_status then

-- theme setup
    soft = false,
    transparent = true,
    colors = function(colors)
        return { red = colors.purple, blended_red = colors.blended_purple }
    callback = function(colors)
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "NvimTreeNormal", { fg = colors.fg, bg = "NONE" })
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "NormalFloat", { fg = colors.fg, bg = "NONE" })
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "IndentBlanklineSpaceChar", { fg = colors.purple, bg = "NONE" })
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "IndentBlanklineSpaceCharBlankline", { fg = colors.purple, bg = "NONE" })
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "IndentBlanklineContextChar", { fg = colors.purple, bg = "NONE" })
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "IndentBlanklineContextSpaceChar", { fg = colors.purple, bg = "NONE" })
        vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "IndentBlanklineContextStart", { fg = colors.purple, bg = "NONE" })
    override = function(colors)
        return {
            CmpItemAbbrMatch = { fg = "NONE" },
            CmpItemAbbrMatchFuzzy = { fg = "NONE" },
Bogdan-Torkhov commented 1 year ago

My now config

maxmx03 commented 1 year ago

try this

CmpItemAbbrMatch = { fg = "NONE", bg = 'NONE' },
CmpItemAbbrMatchFuzzy = { fg = "NONE", bg = 'NONE' },

The latest update to Dracula.nvim, the colors in Lualine have changed

Captura de tela de 2023-04-12 12-02-43

Bogdan-Torkhov commented 1 year ago

Now cmp is white. But i want no color Screen:

maxmx03 commented 1 year ago

Hmm.. maybe if you link to NormalFloat

vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "CmpItemAbbrMatch", { link = "NormalFloat" })

Or you could try to disable the highlight group

vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "CmpItemAbbrMatch", {  })
Bogdan-Torkhov commented 1 year ago

Cool. Now working fine. But will you back the colors of lualine, previus was better.

maxmx03 commented 1 year ago

I'll keep the current theme because some users might want to use the Dracula Pro theme. This way, Lualine will have the Dracula Pro appearance. However, you can still use the old Lualine theme by going to the Lualine repository and copying the Dracula theme in the base theme directory

lualine - dracula

local lualine = require 'lualine'

local colors = {
  gray = '#44475a',
  lightgray = '#5f6a8e',
  orange = '#ffb86c',
  purple = '#bd93f9',
  red = '#ff5555',
  yellow = '#f1fa8c',
  green = '#50fa7b',
  white = '#f8f8f2',
  black = '#282a36',

lualine.setup {
  options = {
    theme = {
      normal = {
        a = { bg = colors.purple, fg =, gui = 'bold' },
        b = { bg = colors.lightgray, fg = colors.white },
        c = { bg = colors.gray, fg = colors.white },
      insert = {
        a = { bg =, fg =, gui = 'bold' },
        b = { bg = colors.lightgray, fg = colors.white },
        c = { bg = colors.gray, fg = colors.white },
      visual = {
        a = { bg = colors.yellow, fg =, gui = 'bold' },
        b = { bg = colors.lightgray, fg = colors.white },
        c = { bg = colors.gray, fg = colors.white },
      replace = {
        a = { bg =, fg =, gui = 'bold' },
        b = { bg = colors.lightgray, fg = colors.white },
        c = { bg = colors.gray, fg = colors.white },
      command = {
        a = { bg =, fg =, gui = 'bold' },
        b = { bg = colors.lightgray, fg = colors.white },
        c = { bg = colors.gray, fg = colors.white },
      inactive = {
        a = { bg = colors.gray, fg = colors.white, gui = 'bold' },
        b = { bg = colors.lightgray, fg = colors.white },
        c = { bg = colors.gray, fg = colors.white },
Bogdan-Torkhov commented 1 year ago

Ok, thanks.

Bogdan-Torkhov commented 1 year ago

And how i remember dracula pro is not free? How you geted the color theme of it?

maxmx03 commented 1 year ago

Bogdan-Torkhov commented 1 year ago

And then the theme will fully migrate to dracula pro?