Created with schemecraft
To install Dracula, you need a plugin manager. \ In the example, bellow we are going to use lazy.nvim for neovim \ and vim-plug for vim.
Annotations can be enabled. \ Below is an example of how to enable them.
lspconfig.lua_ls.setup {
settings = {
Lua = {
workspace = {
checkThirdParty = true,
library = {
-- other settings ...
capabilities = capabilities,
return {
lazy = false,
priority = 1000,
config = function ()
---@type dracula
local dracula = require "dracula"
styles = {
Type = {},
Function = {},
Parameter = {},
Property = {},
Comment = {},
String = {},
Keyword = {},
Identifier = {},
Constant = {},
transparent = false,
on_colors = function (colors, color)
---@type dracula.palette
return {
-- override or create new colors
mycolor = "#ffffff",
-- mycolor = 0xffffff,
on_highlights = function (colors, color)
---@type dracula.highlights
return {
---@type vim.api.keyset.highlight
Normal = { fg = colors.mycolor }
plugins = {
["nvim-treesitter"] = true,
["rainbow-delimiters"] = true,
["nvim-lspconfig"] = true,
["nvim-navic"] = true,
["nvim-cmp"] = true,
["indent-blankline.nvim"] = true,
["neo-tree.nvim"] = true,
["nvim-tree.lua"] = true,
["which-key.nvim"] = true,
["dashboard-nvim"] = true,
["gitsigns.nvim"] = true,
["neogit"] = true,
["todo-comments.nvim"] = true,
["lazy.nvim"] = true,
["telescope.nvim"] = true,
["noice.nvim"] = true,
["hop.nvim"] = true,
["mini.statusline"] = true,
["mini.tabline"] = true,
["mini.starter"] = true,
["mini.cursorword"] = true,
['bufferline.nvim'] = true,
vim.cmd.colorscheme 'dracula'
vim.cmd.colorscheme 'dracula-soft'
opts = {
options = {
theme = vim.g.colors_name,
refresh = {
statusline = 1000,
The Dracula provides methods for working with colors. Here are some examples:
local colors = require 'dracula.colors'
local color = require 'dracula.color'
local darken = color.darken
local lighten = color.lighten
local blend = color.blend
local shade = color.shade
local tint = color.tint
-- example 1: get shades
for i = 1, 10, 1 do
print(shade(colors.yellow, i))
for i = 1, 100, 10 do
print(darken(colors.yellow, i))
-- example 2: get tints
for i = 1, 10, 1 do
print(tint(colors.yellow, i))
for i = 1, 100, 10 do
print(lighten(colors.yellow, i))
-- example 3: blend color
local new_color = blend(colors.yellow, colors.base03, 0.2)