maxmx03 / dracula.nvim

Dracula.nvim is a port of the popular Dracula colorscheme for Neovim,
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fix: cmp colors #9

Closed MuhametSmaili closed 1 year ago

MuhametSmaili commented 1 year ago

Currently, the cmp colors are not as they should be. In dracula/vim you can see the colors are completely different. For example, the text in the cmp is pink which should be white. Also, the colors are not the same as in the vscode too,

Here I wrote a basic color change that should be similar to other editors.

 CmpItemKindSnippet ='fg'
 CmpItemKindText = 'fg'
 CmpItemAbbrDeprecated = 'error'
 CmpItemKindVariable = 'purple - i'
 CmpItemKindFunction = 'link:@function'
 CmpItemKindMethod = 'link:@method'
 CmpItemKindConstructor = 'cyan'
 CmpItemKindClass = 'cyan'
 CmpItemKindEnum = 'pink'
 CmpItemKindEnumMember = 'purple'
 CmpItemKindInterface = 'link:@type'
 CmpItemKindStruct = 'link:@storageclass'

I did not write everything, needs rechecking with vscode and dracula/vim. If you want and are the same opinion I can create a PR, or you can check it.

The most important one, Text -> fg deprecated -> error snippet -> fg.

The text is pink which makes it important but is not, and should not attract our eyes to read it first.

Thanks in advance

maxmx03 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for raising this issue. I believe that the colors used for the kind icons should match the code. While Dracula/Vim and VS Code use different colors, my implementation of Dracula.nvim may not use the same colors as either of them.

here an example:

Captura de tela de 2023-04-07 19-22-34

MuhametSmaili commented 1 year ago

I do not know what this example has to do with CMP

Thank you for raising this issue. I believe that the colors used for the kind icons should match the code. While Dracula/Vim and VS Code use different colors, my implementation of Dracula.nvim may not use the same colors as either of them.

here an example:

Captura de tela de 2023-04-07 19-22-34

I do not understand what does the example you gave has to do with what I am saying. You are showing the colors inside enum and lsp-saga, coding colors. I am talking about CMP (completion engine) :


As you can see in the image above.

maxmx03 commented 1 year ago

The example I showed earlier was from Lspsaga. What both Lspsaga and cmp have in common is that they both use lspkind icons. If you look closely at the example, you'll see that the Direction enum has the same color as the icons used in lspsaga. This is the same color that cmp uses.

Here are the code snippets for cmp and lspsaga, respectively:


hl(0, "CmpItemKindEnum", { link = '@type' })
hl(0, "CmpItemKindEnumMember", { link = '@constant' })


hl(0, "SagaWinbarEnum", { link = '@type' })
hl(0, "SagaWinbarEnumMember", { link = '@constant' })


If you're not a fan of the default colors in the Dracula.nvim colorscheme for the cmp plugin, don't worry! You can use the override table to customize the cmp colors to your liking. The Dracula.nvim colorscheme is fully customizable, and you can find instructions on how to customize the cmp colors by clicking here.

maxmx03 commented 1 year ago

By the way, I forgot to mention earlier that I actually updated the Dracula.nvim colorscheme based on the issue you reported. I double-checked and revised the colors for lspsaga, navic, and cmpkind to make sure everything is in order.
