maxonflutter / Grocery-Shopping-App-with-Flutter-Dart-Frog

A simple eCommerce UI connected with a backend server using dart_frog
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Junior AI: Create an Auth BLoC for User Authentication #14

Open maxonflutter opened 10 months ago

maxonflutter commented 10 months ago

The scope of work for Junior AI

My Flutter app requires a BLoC to handle user authentication. 
1. Event AppLogin: It takes the user credentials and send them to the server to login
2. Event AppLogout: It concludes the user session
3. Event AuthChanged: Listen to a stream to check if the user auth status has changed.

Any relevant code snippet

class AuthRepository {
Future<void> login() ..
Future<void> logout() ..
Stream<AuthUser> authUserChanged() ... 

Any relevant file references

No response

Automated Workflows

BLoC Workflow

Code or Test

Not sure

Create or Edit

Not sure

ghost commented 10 months ago

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