maxonflutter / Grocery-Shopping-App-with-Flutter-Dart-Frog

A simple eCommerce UI connected with a backend server using dart_frog
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Flutter Grocery Shopping App

Welcome to the Grocery Shopping App with Flutter, Dart Frog and the BLoC Pattern! This project aims to create a grocery shopping app powered by Dart Frog as its backend server.

Video tutorial:


  1. Intro Screen: Welcomes users with a captivating background video.
  2. Login & Registration: Sleek UIs ready to be integrated with backend functionality in the future.
  3. Home Screen: Central hub to see popular categories and top-selling groceries.
  4. Cart Screen: Displays products added to the cart and syncs with the backend server.
  5. Category Screen: Browse products by categories fetched directly from a dart_frog server.
  6. Search Screen: Search interface to be integrated with search functionality in future updates.
  7. Order History: UI to display historical orders of logged-in customers.
  8. Order Status: Monitors the currently active order status, from rider pickup to delivery

Current State

Future Updates

App Screenshots:

Intro Login Home
Welcome Screen Login Screen Home Screen
Cart Category Order History
Cart Screen Category Screen with Bottom Sheet Order History Screen
Order Status Search
Order Status Screen Search Screen

Getting Started

To get started with the project, ensure you have Dart, Flutter and the dart_frog CLI set up on your local machine.

  1. Navigate to Project Directory:

    cd <project name>
  2. Install Dependencies:

    flutter pub get
  3. Start the Dart Frog server locally:

    cd <project name>/api
    # Install the dart_frog cli from
    dart pub global activate dart_frog_cli
    # Start the server on localhost
    dart_frog dev
  4. Run the App:

    flutter run