maxonflutter / Grocery-Shopping-App-with-Flutter-Dart-Frog

A simple eCommerce UI connected with a backend server using dart_frog
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Junior AI: Create a BLoC to handle the shopping cart #15

Open maxonflutter opened 10 months ago

maxonflutter commented 10 months ago

The scope of work for Junior AI

The shopping cart bloc has the role of controlling and presenting the current shopping session's cart data. It should handle these events:
1. Add product to cart: When a user adds a new item to the cart, the BLoC should ensure the item is added. 
2. Remove product from cart: When a user opts to remove an item, the BLoC should handle the request and ensure the item is removed from the current cart session.
3. Clear cart after successful purchase: The user should be able to reset the cart to an empty state for a new shopping session.

Any relevant code snippet

class CartRepository {
Future<void> addToCart(Product product) ...
Future<void> removeFromCart(String productId) ... 
Future<void> clearCart() ...

Any relevant file references

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Automated Workflows

BLoC Workflow

Code or Test

Not sure

Create or Edit

Not sure

ghost commented 10 months ago

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