Official repository for the paper "Neural Pitch-Shifting and Time-Stretching with Controllable LPCNet" [1]. Performs pitch-shifting and time-stretching of speech recordings. Audio examples can be found here. The original LPCNet [2] code can be found here. If you use this code in an academic publication, please cite our paper.
Docker installation assumes recent versions of Docker and NVidia Docker are installed.
In order to perform variable-ratio time-stretching, you must first download HTK 3.4.0 (see download instructions), which is used for forced phoneme alignment. Note that you only have to download HTK. You do not have to install it locally. HTK must be downloaded to within this directory in order to be considered part of the build context.
Next, build the image.
docker build --tag clpcnet --build-arg HTK=<path_to_htk> .
Now we can run a command within the Docker image.
docker run -itd --rm --name "clpcnet" --shm-size 32g --gpus all \
-v <absolute_path_of_runs_directory>:/clpcnet/runs \
-v <absolute_path_of_data_directory>:/clpcnet/data \
clpcnet:latest \
Where <command>
is the command you would like to execute within the
container, prefaced with the correct Python path within the Docker
image (e.g., /opt/conda/envs/clpcnet/bin/python -m clpcnet.train --gpu 0
Installation assumes we start from a clean install of Ubuntu 18 or 20 with a
recent CUDA driver and conda
Install the apt-get dependencies.
sudo apt-get update && \
sudo apt-get install -y \
ffmpeg \
gcc-multilib \
libsndfile1 \
Build the C preprocessing code
Create a new conda environment and install conda dependencies
conda create -n clpcnet python=3.7 cudatoolkit=10.0 cudnn=7.6 -y
conda activate clpcnet
Finally, install the Python dependencies
pip install -e .
If you would like to perform variable-ratio time-stretching, you must also download and install HTK 3.4.0 (see download instructions), which is used for forced phoneme alignment.
can be used as a library (via import clpcnet
) or
as an application accessed via the command-line.
To perform pitch-shifting or time-stretching on audio already loaded into
memory, use clpcnet.from_audio
. To do this with audio saved in a file, use
. You can use clpcnet.to_file
to save the results to a file. To process many
files at once with multiprocessing, use clpcnet.from_files_to_files
. To
perform vocoding from acoustic features, use clpcnet.from_features
See the clpcnet
API for full argument lists. Below is an example of
performing constant-ratio pitch-shifting with a ratio of 0.8 and
constant-ratio time-stretching with a ratio of 1.2.
import clpcnet
# Load audio from disk and resample to 16 kHz
audio_file = 'audio.wav'
audio =
# Perform constant-ratio pitch-shifting and time-stretching
generated = clpcnet.from_audio(audio, constant_stretch=1.2, constant_shift=0.8)
The command-line interface for inference wraps the arguments of
To run inference using a pretrained model, use the module entry point. For
example, to resynthesize speech without modification, use the following.
python -m clpcnet --audio_files audio.wav --output_files output.wav
See the command-line interface documentation for full list and description of arguments.
Here we demonstrate how to replicate the results of the paper "Neural
Pitch-Shifting and Time-Stretching with Controllable LPCNet" on the VCTK
dataset [3]. Time estimates are given using a 12-core 12-thread CPU with a 2.1 GHz
clock and a NVidia V100 GPU. First,
download VCTK so that the root
directory of VCTK is ./data/vctk
(Time estimate: ~10 hours).
Partitions for each dataset are saved in
. The VCTK partition file can be explicitly
recomputed as follows.
# Time estimate: < 10 seconds
python -m clpcnet.partition
# Compute YIN pitch and periodicity, BFCCs, and LPC coefficients.
# Time estimate: ~15 minutes
python -m clpcnet.preprocess
# Compute CREPE pitch and periodicity (Section 3.1).
# Time estimate: ~2.5 hours
python -m clpcnet.pitch --gpu 0
# Perform data augmentation (Section 3.2).
# Time estimate: ~17 hours
python -m clpcnet.preprocess.augment --gpu 0
All files are saved to ./runs/cache/vctk
by default.
# Time estimate: ~75 hours
python -m clpcnet.train --gpu 0
Checkpoints are saved to ./runs/checkpoints/clpcnet/
. Log files are saved to ./runs/logs/clpcnet
We perform evaluation on VCTK [3], as well as modified versions of DAPS [4] and
RAVDESS [5]. We modify DAPS by segmenting the dataset into sentences, and
providing transcripts for each sentence. To reproduce results on DAPS,
download our modified DAPS dataset on Zenodo
and decompress the tarball within data/
. We modify RAVDESS by performing speech enhancement with
HiFi-GAN [6]. To reproduce results on RAVDESS, download
our modified RAVDESS dataset on Zenodo
and decompress the tarball within data/
To create the DAPS partition file for evaluation, run the following.
# Partition the modified DAPS dataset
# Time estimate: < 10 seconds
python -m clpcnet.partition --dataset daps-segmented
We create two partition files for RAVDESS. The first is used for variable-ratio pitch-shifting and time-stretching, and creates pairs of audio files. The second samples files from those pairs for constant-ratio evaluation.
# Create pairs for variable-ratio evaluation from modified RAVDESS dataset
# Time estimate: ~1 hour
python -m clpcnet.partition --dataset ravdess-variable --gpu 0
# Sample files for constant-ratio evaluation
# Time estiamte: ~3 seconds
python -m clpcnet.partition --dataset ravdess-hifi
We perform constant-ratio objective evaluation on VCTK [3], as well as our modified DAPS [4] and RAVDESS [5] datasets.
# Prepare files for constant-ratio objective evaluation
# Files are saved to ./runs/eval/objective/constant/vctk/data/
# Time estimate:
# - vctk: ~2 minutes
# - daps-segmented: ~3 minutes
# - ravdess-hifi: ~3 minutes
python -m clpcnet.evaluate.gather --dataset <dataset> --gpu 0
# Evaluate
# Results are written to ./runs/eval/objective/constant/vctk/results.json
# Time estimate:
# - vctk: ~2 hours
# - daps-segmented: ~4.5 hours
# - ravdess-hifi: ~3.5 hours
python -m clpcnet.evaluate.objective.constant \
--checkpoint ./runs/checkpoints/clpcnet/clpcnet-103.h5 \
--dataset <dataset>
--gpu 0
can be one of vctk
(default), daps-segmented
, or
We perform variable-ratio objective evaluation on our modified RAVDESS [5] dataset.
# Results are written to ./runs/eval/objective/variable/ravdess-hifi/results.json
# Time estimate: ~1.5 hours
python -m clpcnet.evaluate.objective.variable \
--checkpoint ./runs/checkpoints/clpcnet/clpcnet-103.h5 \
--gpu 0
We perform constant-ratio subjective evaluation on our modified DAPS [4] dataset.
# Files are written to ./runs/eval/subjective/constant/daps-segmented
# Time estimate: ~10 hours
python -m clpcnet.evaluate.subjective.constant \
--checkpoint ./runs/checkpoints/clpcnet/clpcnet-103.h5 \
--gpu 0
We perform variable-ratio subjective evaluation on our modified RAVDESS [5] dataset.
# Files are written to ./runs/eval/subjective/variable/ravdess-hifi
# Time estimate: ~1.5 hours
python -m clpcnet.evaluate.subjective.variable \
--checkpoint ./runs/checkpoints/clpcnet/clpcnet-103.h5 \
--gpu 0
To perform inference using original LPCNet settings, set ORIGINAL_LPCNET
in ./clpcnet/
The implementation of TD-PSOLA [7] used as a baseline in our paper is released under a GPL license and can be found here.
The implementation of WORLD [8] used as a baseline in our paper can be found
here. We provide
a wrapper for pitch-shifting and time-stretching in clpcnet/
"""Pitch-shift and time-stretch speech audio
audio : np.array(shape=(samples,))
The audio to regenerate
sample_rate : int
The audio sampling rate
source_alignment : pypar.Alignment or None
The original alignment. Used only for time-stretching.
target_alignment : pypar.Alignment or None
The target alignment. Used only for time-stretching.
constant_stretch : float or None
A constant value for time-stretching
source_pitch : np.array(shape=(1 + int(samples / hopsize))) or None
The original pitch contour. Allows us to skip pitch estimation.
source_periodicity : np.array(shape=(1 + int(samples / hopsize))) or None
The original periodicity. Allows us to skip pitch estimation.
target_pitch : np.array(shape=(1 + int(samples / hopsize))) or None
The desired pitch contour
constant_shift : float or None
A constant value for pitch-shifting
checkpoint_file : Path
The model weight file
gpu : int or None
The gpu to run inference on. Defaults to cpu.
verbose : bool
Whether to display a progress bar
vocoded : np.array(shape=(samples * clpcnet.SAMPLE_RATE / sample_rate,))
The generated audio at 16 kHz
"""Pitch-shift and time-stretch from features
features : np.array(shape=(1, frames, clpcnet.SPECTRAL_FEATURE_SIZE))
The frame-rate features
pitch_bins : np.array(shape=(1 + int(samples / hopsize)))
The pitch contour as integer pitch bins
source_alignment : pypar.Alignment or None
The original alignment. Used only for time-stretching.
target_alignment : pypar.Alignment or None
The target alignment. Used only for time-stretching.
constant_stretch : float or None
A constant value for time-stretching
checkpoint_file : Path
The model weight file
gpu : int or None
The gpu to run inference on. Defaults to cpu.
verbose : bool
Whether to display a progress bar
vocoded : np.array(shape=(frames * clpcnet.HOPSIZE,))
The generated audio at 16 kHz
"""Pitch-shift and time-stretch from file on disk
audio_file : string
The audio file
source_alignment_file : Path or None
The original alignment on disk. Used only for time-stretching.
target_alignment_file : Path or None
The target alignment on disk. Used only for time-stretching.
constant_stretch : float or None
A constant value for time-stretching
source_pitch_file : Path or None
The file containing the original pitch contour
source_periodicity_file : Path or None
The file containing the original periodicity
target_pitch_file : Path or None
The file containing the desired pitch
constant_shift : float or None
A constant value for pitch-shifting
checkpoint_file : Path
The model weight file
gpu : int or None
The gpu to run inference on. Defaults to cpu.
verbose : bool
Whether to display a progress bar
vocoded : np.array(shape=(samples,))
The generated audio at 16 kHz
"""Pitch-shift and time-stretch from file on disk and save to disk
audio_file : Path
The audio file
output_file : Path
The file to save the generated audio
source_alignment_file : Path or None
The original alignment on disk. Used only for time-stretching.
target_alignment_file : Path or None
The target alignment on disk. Used only for time-stretching.
constant_stretch : float or None
A constant value for time-stretching
source_pitch : Path or None
The file containing the original pitch contour
source_periodicity_file : Path or None
The file containing the original periodicity
target_pitch_file : Path or None
The file containing the desired pitch
constant_shift : float or None
A constant value for pitch-shifting
checkpoint_file : Path
The model weight file
gpu : int or None
The gpu to run inference on. Defaults to cpu.
verbose : bool
Whether to display a progress bar
"""Pitch-shift and time-stretch from files on disk and save to disk
audio_files : list(Path)
The audio files
output_files : list(Path)
The files to save the generated audio
source_alignment_files : list(Path) or None
The original alignments on disk. Used only for time-stretching.
target_alignment_files : list(Path) or None
The target alignments on disk. Used only for time-stretching.
constant_stretch : float or None
A constant value for time-stretching
source_pitch_files : list(Path) or None
The files containing the original pitch contours
source_periodicity_files : list(Path) or None
The files containing the original periodicities
target_pitch_files : list(Path) or None
The files containing the desired pitch contours
constant_shift : float or None
A constant value for pitch-shifting
checkpoint_file : Path
The model weight file
"""Pitch-shift and time-stretch audio and save to disk
output_file : Path
The file to save the generated audio
audio : np.array(shape=(samples,))
The audio to regenerate
sample_rate : int
The audio sampling rate
source_alignment : pypar.Alignment or None
The original alignment. Used only for time-stretching.
target_alignment : pypar.Alignment or None
The target alignment. Used only for time-stretching.
constant_stretch : float or None
A constant value for time-stretching
source_pitch : np.array(shape=(1 + int(samples / hopsize))) or None
The original pitch contour. Allows us to skip pitch estimation.
source_periodicity : np.array(shape=(1 + int(samples / hopsize))) or None
The original periodicity. Allows us to skip pitch estimation.
target_pitch : np.array(shape=(1 + int(samples / hopsize))) or None
The desired pitch contour
constant_shift : float or None
A constant value for pitch-shifting
checkpoint_file : Path
The model weight file
gpu : int or None
The gpu to run inference on. Defaults to cpu.
verbose : bool
Whether to display a progress bar
Perform pitch-shifting and time-stretching with a pretrained model.
usage: python -m clpcnet [-h]
[--audio_files AUDIO_FILES [AUDIO_FILES ...]]
--output_files OUTPUT_FILES [OUTPUT_FILES ...]
[--constant_stretch CONSTANT_STRETCH]
[--source_pitch_files SOURCE_PITCH_FILES [SOURCE_PITCH_FILES ...]]
[--target_pitch_files TARGET_PITCH_FILES [TARGET_PITCH_FILES ...]]
[--constant_shift CONSTANT_SHIFT]
[--checkpoint_file CHECKPOINT_FILE]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--audio_files AUDIO_FILES [AUDIO_FILES ...]
The audio files to process
--output_files OUTPUT_FILES [OUTPUT_FILES ...]
The files to write the output audio
The original alignments on disk. Used only for time-
The target alignments on disk. Used only for time-
--constant_stretch CONSTANT_STRETCH
A constant value for time-stretching
--source_pitch_files SOURCE_PITCH_FILES [SOURCE_PITCH_FILES ...]
The file containing the original pitch contours
The file containing the original periodicities
--target_pitch_files TARGET_PITCH_FILES [TARGET_PITCH_FILES ...]
The files containing the desired pitch contours
--constant_shift CONSTANT_SHIFT
A constant value for pitch-shifting
--checkpoint_file CHECKPOINT_FILE
The checkpoint file to load
Gather files for constant-ratio objective evaluation.
usage: python -m clpcnet.evaluate.gather [-h]
[--dataset DATASET]
[--directory DIRECTORY]
[--output_directory OUTPUT_DIRECTORY]
[--gpu GPU]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--dataset DATASET The dataset to gather evaluation files from
--directory DIRECTORY
The root directory of the dataset
--output_directory OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
The output evaluation directory
--gpu GPU The gpu to use for pitch estimation
Perform constant-ratio objective evaluation on a trained model.
usage: python -m clpcnet.evaluate.objective.constant [-h]
[--checkpoint CHECKPOINT]
[--run RUN]
[--directory DIRECTORY]
[--dataset DATASET]
[--gpu GPU]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--checkpoint CHECKPOINT
The lpcnet checkpoint file
--run RUN The name of the experiment
--directory DIRECTORY
The evaluation directory
--dataset DATASET The dataset to evaluate
--skip_generation Whether to skip generation and eval a previously
generated run
--gpu GPU The gpu to run pitch tracking on
usage: python -m clpcnet.evaluate.objective.variable [-h]
[--directory DIRECTORY]
[--run RUN]
[--checkpoint CHECKPOINT]
[--gpu GPU]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--directory DIRECTORY
Root directory of the ravdess dataset
--run RUN The evaluation run
--checkpoint CHECKPOINT
The model checkpoint
--gpu GPU The index of the gpu to use
usage: python -m clpcnet.evaluate.subjective.constant [-h]
[--directory DIRECTORY]
[--run RUN]
[--checkpoint CHECKPOINT]
[--gpu GPU]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--directory DIRECTORY
The root directory of the segmented daps dataset
--run RUN The evaluation run
--checkpoint CHECKPOINT
The checkpoint to use
--gpu GPU The gpu to use for pitch estimation
usage: clpcnet.evaluate.subjective.variable [-h]
[--directory DIRECTORY]
[--output_directory OUTPUT_DIRECTORY]
[--run RUN]
[--checkpoint CHECKPOINT]
[--gpu GPU]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--directory DIRECTORY
Root directory of the ravdess dataset
--output_directory OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
The location to store files for subjective evaluation
--run RUN The evaluation run
--checkpoint CHECKPOINT
The checkpoint to use
--gpu GPU The index of the gpu to use
Partition a dataset.
usage: python -m clpcnet.partition [-h]
[--dataset DATASET]
[--directory DIRECTORY]
[--gpu GPU]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--dataset DATASET The name of the dataset
--directory DIRECTORY
The data directory
--gpu GPU The gpu to use
Compute CREPE pitch and periodicity on a dataset (Section 3.1).
usage: python -m clpcnet.pitch [-h]
[--dataset DATASET]
[--directory DIRECTORY]
[--cache CACHE]
[--gpu GPU]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--dataset DATASET The dataset to perform pitch tracking on
--directory DIRECTORY
The data directory
--cache CACHE The cache directory
--gpu GPU The gpu to use for pitch tracking
Compute YIN pitch and periodicity, BFCCs, and LPC coefficients on a dataset.
usage: python -m clpcnet.preprocess [-h]
[--dataset DATASET]
[--directory DIRECTORY]
[--cache CACHE]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--dataset DATASET The dataset to preprocess
--directory DIRECTORY
The data directory
--cache CACHE The cache directory
Perform resampling data augmentation (Section 3.2).
usage: python -m clpcnet.preprocess.augment [-h]
[--dataset DATASET]
[--directory DIRECTORY]
[--cache CACHE]
[--allowed_scales ALLOWED_SCALES [ALLOWED_SCALES ...]]
[--passes PASSES]
[--gpu GPU]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--dataset DATASET The name of the dataset
--directory DIRECTORY
The data directory
--cache CACHE The cache directory
--allowed_scales ALLOWED_SCALES [ALLOWED_SCALES ...]
The allowable scale values for resampling
--passes PASSES The number of augmentation passes to make over the
--gpu GPU The index of the gpu to use
Train a model.
usage: python -m clpcnet.train [-h]
[--name NAME]
[--dataset DATASET]
[--cache CACHE]
[--checkpoint_directory CHECKPOINT_DIRECTORY]
[--resume_from RESUME_FROM]
[--log_directory LOG_DIRECTORY]
[--gpu GPU]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--name NAME The name for this experiment
--dataset DATASET The name of the dataset to train on
--cache CACHE The directory containing features and targets for
--checkpoint_directory CHECKPOINT_DIRECTORY
The location on disk to save checkpoints
--resume_from RESUME_FROM
Checkpoint file to resume training from
--log_directory LOG_DIRECTORY
The log directory
--gpu GPU The gpu to use
M. Morrison, Z. Jin, N. J. Bryan, J. Caceres, and B. Pardo, "Neural Pitch-Shifting and Time-Stretching with Controllable LPCNet," Submitted to Interspeech 2021, August 2021.
title={Neural Pitch-Shifting and Time-Stretching with Controllable LPCNet},
author={Morrison, Max and Jin, Zeyu and Bryan, Nicholas J and Caceres, Juan-Pablo and Pardo, Bryan},
booktitle={Submitted to Interspeech 2021},