maxsivanov / influxdb-timeshift-proxy

Add timeshift feature to influxdb for grafana users with mathematics between metrics feature
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Timeshift influxDB proxy with Mathematics across measurements feature

This proxy server will add timeshift feature to you influxDB server. This feature is extremely helpful to compare periods in Grafana.

Proxy can to mathematical operations between queries (i.e. between metrics).


Node.js version 6 or later is required to run the code.

We assume that InfluxDB in available on

git clone
cd influxdb-timeshift-proxy
npm i
INFLUXDB= npm run start


npm i influxdb-timeshift-proxy -g
INFLUXDB= influxdb-timeshift-proxy

On Windows you need other command to run proxy


Proxy will be available on port 8089.

It is possible to use already proxied InfluxDB.

INFLUXDB= npm run start

Proxying of Proxied :) feature is not very stable yet. Sometimes proxy will fail with HTTP 500. Waiting for this bug in express-http-proxy to fix. Anyway direct connection i.e INFLUXDB= npm run start works fine.


Proxy will go timeshift on queries with fields listed with alias AS "shift_1_weeks". 1 can be any positive integer number. weeks can be any unit described here

You can use MATH query to do mathematical operation between previously defined queries.

Example of MATH query

Example of MATH query

Example requests

Shift one week back:

SELECT non_negative_derivative("value", 1h) AS "shift_1_weeks" FROM "CPU_LOAD" WHERE "tag" = 'all' 

Shift two days back:

SELECT non_negative_derivative("value", 1h) AS "shift_2_days" FROM "CPU_LOAD" WHERE "tag" = 'all' 

Sum two metrics and clear source metrics from result

MATH name="ALL" expr="$0 + $1"

Sum two metrics and keep source metrics in result

MATH name="ALL" expr="$0 + $1" keep="$0,$1"

Sum two metrics for singlestat panel

MATH name="ALL" expr="$0 + $1" singlestat


Run proxy with DEBUG environment variable set: