maxsudik / JQMax

Selenium Java
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Selenium Java Web Automation Framework

Libraries Used:

  1. selenium-java - Web Automation
  2. testng - Unit Testing
  3. webdrivermanager - Driver manager
  4. extentreports - Reporting
  5. assertj-core - Assertions
  6. jackson-databind - Work with Json files
  7. jackson-core - Work with Excel files
  8. commons-io - Work with Excel files
  9. poi-ooxml - Work with Excel files
  10. poi-ooxml-schemas - Work with Excel files
  11. poi-scratchpad - Work with Excel files
  12. poi - Work with Excel files
  13. commons-email - Work with Excel files
  14. rest-assured - Send results to ELK

UML Diagram:


File/Package description:

  1. /.github - runs github actions
  2. /extent-test-output - contains extent reports
  3. docker-compose.yaml - runs tests in docker container using selenium grid in chrome and firefox browsers, sends results to ElasticSearch and visualize in Kibana
  4. pom.xml - contains all necessary dependencies and uses maven as a build tool
  5. testng.xml - contains information regarding tests suites, included tests, listeners, thread count and level of parallel execution
  6. .gitignore - ignores files from adding to git repository
  7. /src/test/java/pages - contains common methods to interact with pages and uses POM design pattern classes for each Web Page
  8. /JQMax/src/test/java/tests - contains written tests
  9. /src/test/resources/excel - data provider and tests management lists for Data-Driven Testing
  10. /src/test/resources/config - contains preferences for test execution (currently using
  11. /src/main/java/annotations - custom @Framework Annotation that contains author and category information
  12. /src/main/java/constants - framework constants, getters and setters
  13. /src/main/java/driver - ThreadLocal driver and methods to initialize and quite driver
  14. /src/main/java/enums - enums to work with, waiting strategies for synchronization and category types of tests for @FrameworkAnnotation
  15. /src/main/java/exceptions - custom exceptions
  16. /src/main/java/factories - factories to configure driver based on local/remote and chrome/firefox conditions, explicit wait factory to configure synchronization strategy to check if element is clickable/present/visible/nono
  17. /src/main/java/listeners - listeners that based on the test results, retry strategy, data provider manager
  18. /src/main/java/reports - ThreadLocal extent report, its configuration and logger
  19. /src/main/java/utils - utility methods that are used across the framework

To Run Tests:


  1. In /src/test/resources/config/ set: runmode=local; sendresultstoelk=no;
  2. Make sure test classes are included in testng.xml in \ \ tag
  3. In testdata.xlsx include test names on "RUNMANAGER" tab under "testname" column. Define "testdescription", "execute", "priority", "count" fields
  4. In testdata.xlsx include test names on "DATA" tab and populate fields with necessary data for execution
  5. In terminal from project folder run command mvn clean test
  6. Results will be opened in the new browser tab

NOTE: For parallel execution change parameters in testng.xml for data-provider-thread-count="1" and thread-count="1" to desired

img_1.png img_2.png img_3.png img_4.png

Docker container using Selenium Grid

  1. In /src/test/resources/config/ set: runmode=remote; sendresultstoelk=yes;

  2. Make sure test classes are included in testng.xml in \ \ tag

  3. In testdata.xlsx include test names on "RUNMANAGER" tab under "testname" column. Define "testdescription", "execute", "priority", "count" fields

  4. In testdata.xlsx include test names on "DATA" tab and populate fields with necessary data for execution

  5. Open Docker

  6. Run docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up

  7. In terminal from project folder run command mvn clean test

  8. To check runs is Selenium Grid - navigate to URL Open Selenium-Grid

  9. Results will be opened in the new browser tab img_1.png img_2.png img_3.png img_4.png

  10. To check results in Kibana - navigate to URL Kibana -> Stack Management -> Index Patterns and create index patter for "regression" img_6.png

  11. To create visualizations navigate to "Visualize Library" and create diagrams img_7.png

  12. Add the visualization to a Dashboard img_8.png

NOTE: For parallel execution change parameters in testng.xml for data-provider-thread-count="1" and thread-count="1" to desired