maxwills / SeekerDebugger

A Queryable Time-Traveling Debugger for Pharo 9.0, 10 and 11.
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Seeker: Prototype Scriptable Time-Traveling Queryable Debugger. Compatible with Pharo 9.0, Moose Suite 9.0, Pharo 10, Moose 10 and Pharo 11 (tested on 2022-10-28). Working in Pharo 12.0 (tested on 2023-04-26).

Do this:

Metacello new
    baseline: 'Seeker';
    repository: 'github://maxwills/SeekerDebugger:main';

The rest of the readme is not up do date. The debugger is currently under constant changes. The readme will be updated when reaching a stable point.

Requires the following projects (installed automatically with this Seeker Baseline):

The baseline will:

Headless mode

myProgramBlock := [|a| 
  a:=1 .
  a:= a+a.
  a:= a+a.

"use this if your program correspond to the code of a block"
SeekerDebugger headlessDebugBlock: myProgramBlock.

"Try to avoid using auxiliary blocks (ie, avoid doing the following):"
SeekerDebugger headlessDebugBlock: [ anObject theProgramMethod].
"For that case, it is better to use the following initialization."
"Use this if your program corresponds to a call of a method:"
 SeekerDebugger headlessDebugFor: receiver selector: selector withArgs: argsArray
"This way, the time-traveling step 1 corresponds to the first
 instruction of the method instead of the auxiliary block"

"Optionally, although not recommended, unless you know what you do"
SeekerDebugger headlessDebug: aProcess

"API main methods"
|sk| sk := SeekerDebugger headlessDebugBlock: myProgramBlock.
sk restart. "reverts execution to step 1"
sk timeTravelTo: stepNumber. "Advances or reverses the execution until reaching the step number"
sk resume. "ends the time-traveling debugging session by resuming the debugged process"
sk terminate. "terminates the debugged process"
sk step. "advances debugged execution by one bytecode"
sk stepNumber. "returns the current step number."
sk stepToEnd. "executes every bytecode of the program, until it cannot advance anymore"
sk programStates. "An iterable object representing
 all the states of the debugged program. Used mostly for queries"

Time-Traveling Queries Usage / Quick reference:

The Quick Reference pdf document is included in the repository, and can be accessed here.

User Defined Queries

Developers can use the scripting area to write their own program queries.

The Query Notation

The Query notation is a general purpose notation to write queries over collections (Any collection, not just the ones related to executions). It uses standandar selection and collection semantics, however, the only difference is that selection and collection are lazily evaluated (This should be of no concern when writing the queries.

This is just a regular query, and not a Time-Traveling Query (TTQ).


"In the scripting presenter, paste the following code:"

"This query obtains an OrderedCollection containing the list of all the methods
 of any step that corresponds to a message send to any method with the selector #add:".

(Query from: seeker programStates "or just use the workspace variable: programStates"
    select: [ :state | state isMessageSend and: [ state node selector = #add: ] ]
    collect: [ :state | state methodAboutToExecute ]) asOrderedCollection.

"Reuse predefined queries (subclasses of UserTTQ) using the #queryFrom: method
 instead of #from:. This way, the selection is applied additively instead of overridding the predefined one.
For example: "
((UTTQAllReadings queryFrom: programStates) select: [ :state| state node variable name = #each ]) asOrderedCollection.

Then, select all the code, and inspect it (right click, and select Inspect it from the context menu, or simply press cmd+i). You should see an inspector with the collection of the results.

User Time-Traveling Query.

Time-Traveling Queries are just a specific type of Query. To explain how to write one, we will start from the more generic Query form (as described in the previous point).

To transform a Query into a Time-Traveling Query (with integration in the UI)

  1. Use UserTTQ instead of the Query class.
  2. Use Autotype for collected items.
  3. Include the #bytecodeIndex key as in this example:
"In the scripting presenter, paste the following code:"
| autoResultType |
    autoResultType := AutoType new.
    (UserTTQ from: seeker programStates
        select: [ :state | state isMessageSend and: [ state node selector = #add: ] ]
        collect: [ :state | 
            autoResultType newWith
            bytecodeIndex: state bytecodeIndex;
            methodClass: state methodAboutToExecute methodClass name;
            messageSelector: state methodAboutToExecute selector;
            newColumnASD: 123; "you can add any column you want like this"
            endWith ]) showInSeeker

Then select all the code, and do it (right click, and select Do it from the context menu, or simply press cmd+d). The query should be displayed in the query tab of Seeker (you need to manually change to the tab at the moment).


New collection style - #collectAs:

This new collection style hides AutoType, allowing a cleaner query definition. For example, the same code of the previous example, if using the new #collectAs: method, is writen as follows:

(UserTTQ from: seeker programStates
  select: [ :state | state isMessageSend and: [ state node selector = #add: ] ]
  collectAs: [ :state :res| 
    res bytecodeIndex: state bytecodeIndex;
        methodClass: state methodAboutToExecute methodClass name;
        messageSelector: state methodAboutToExecute selector;
        newColumnASD: 123 ]) showInSeeker

The Autotype instantiation and management is performed by the #collectAs: method. The two collection styles are equivalent.

Queries (and TTQ) Composition.

Queries and TTQs can be composed. Ie, they can be used as a data source for other queries.

| query1 query2 |
   query1 := (Query from: seeker programStates "or just use the workspace variable #programStates"
    select: [ :state | state isMessageSend and: [ state node selector = #add: ] ]
    collect: [ :state | state methodAboutToExecute ]).

    "Can be used to compose:"
    query2 := Query from: query1 select: [:state| state messageReceiver class = OrderedCollection]. 
    "Which is equivalent to:"
    query2 := query1 select: [:state| state messageReceiver class = OrderedCollection]. 
    "Finally, to trigger the query evaluation, do"
    query2 asOrderedCollection

In both examples, the selection conditions are applied in order, from the innermost ones (query1 selection predicate is applied first) to the outermost ones (query2 selection predicate is applied last). The same applies to Time-Traveling Queries (TTQs). The methods #select: and #collect: of Queries returns new Queries objects (not the results of the query).

Time-Traveling Queries Notes:

Running TTQs in headless mode.

It can be done in several ways:

A. Straightforward

Use this if you already have a headless mode instance of SeekerDebugger.

myBlock := [|a|
  a:= a+a ].
seeker := SeekerDebugger headlessDebugBlock: myBlock.
"Or if you want to query directly inside a method do as follows:"
seeker := SeekerDebugger headlessDebugFor: receiver selector: #aSelector withArgs:{}.

"Then just create a query, passing as argument the programStates object"
(TTQAllAssignments queryFrom: seeker programStates) asOrderedCollection inspect 

B. Scoped querying (Directly using a block's programStates)

This is recommended if you only intend to query a program contained in a block, and do not intent to perform time-travels or extra tasks, as this hides the need to initialize the debugging session. Using this will terminate the underlaying debugged process once the execution exits the scope of the programStates. Just note that the effects of the block are always reverted at the end.

myBlock := [|a|
  a:= a+a ].
myBlock programStates: [ :programStates |
  queryRes := (TTQAllMessageSends queryFrom: programStates) asOrderedCollection.
  "You could run other queries if needed"
  queryRes inspect ].
  "Once the programStates scope is escaped, the underlying time-traveling
   debugging session is automatically terminated."

C. Alternative (Also directly using a block's programStates)

This is similar to the previous one in the sense that it hides the debugger, and it is simpler, but the problem is that the debugged process is not terminated. If you use it, remember to terminate the debugger.

myBlock:= [|a|
  a:= a+a ].
programStates := myBlock programStates.
[(TTQAllAssignments queryFrom: programStates) inspect]
  ensure: [programStates terminate]

Other debugger usage ideas

Reversible execute block

Execute any block of your program with reversible capabilities, with a simple api.

| b |
  b := 1.
  [ b := 3 ] asReversibleDo: [ :program |
      self assert: b equals: 1.
      program runReversibly.
      self assert: b equals: 3.
      program revert.
      self assert: b equals: 1.
      program runReversibly.
      self assert: b equals: 3.
      program revert ].
      self assert: b equals: 1

See SeekerReversibleValueTest>>#testAsReversibleDo for more info.

Scoped queries

Documentation in progress.
These are queries that can be run outside a time-traveling debugging session. Just select some code, rightclick to open the context menu, and chose a scoped query. They can be use to quickly get execution (dynamic) program data from code. For example, the scoped query AllBreakpointAndHalts will list all the breakpoints hits and halts that the selected code would hit if normally executed.

What happens behind courtains is that a Seeker headless debug session is created with the selected code, and a time-traveling query is run on that program. After collecting the queries result, Seeker reverts the effects of the executed code, as if nothing had been executed. (Although, current Seeker reverse mechanism doesn't cover yet changes in the filesystem or other external resources).

Limitations and known issues.


Problem: I can't open a debugger anymore. Any time I try to debug something, the Emergency debugger is shown instead of the StDebugger, even if I am not using "debug it with Seeker". What can I do?

Answer: Since Seeker performs several initalization logic (which might fail), when a failure is detected during this phase, a flag is set to prevent any opening of the StDebugger. The reason for this is that once a failure is detected, Pharo will try to open a debugger to debug the failure, which result in the image being locked. If you didn't modify Seeker or StDebugger code, then the most likely cause of the failure is a Breakpoint or a halt in your domain code (that is being executed during the initialization of the Time-Traveling mechanism). To fix this:

  1. Open the Seeker Config UI (as described in Limitations and known issues, point (*)), and click in the Reset emergency deactivation button.

This should enable the normal debugger, and with the Breakpoints and halts removed, it should bring back Seeker.