maxx6262 / celoquest

A blockchain social media to be involved or helped about any subject. Get answers/contribution by community members. Be rewarded by posting best contribution on the quest event.
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bootstrap celo-blockchain javascript rinkeby-network solidity web3js

Celoquest : Social Rewarding Contributions Protocol on Celo chain

by Maxime Lecoustre

Global Description

A blockchain social media to be involved/helped about any subject

Get answers/contribution by community members. Be rewarded by posting best contribution on the quest event.

First Release on Githup page here Smart contract on Alfajores can be found here

  1. User has to be registered by clicking on account block and setting pseudo. He gets allocation of 150 CQT ( CeloQuestToken )
  2. User can post Rewarded Quests fixed rewards in CeloQuestToken (internal token distributed to new users and contributors)
  3. All users can post their contributions on platform to help Quest's owner to get answer or to contribute by making interesting contributions to the project.
  4. All users can vote for contribution they think the more usefull.
  5. Quest's owner can set Winner as he'd found answer or contribution he expected
  6. Winner get all CQT quest's owner paid
  7. With voting calcultation, same amount of CQT is minted to all contributors with at least one vote

All auctions are stored into Smart Contract, quest's owner can't make propositions and users can't vote for their owned propositions.

All auctions performed build a trustscore with minting of token to show their contribution's level of project.

Currently building POC on Celo blockchain ( Gitbub rep here )

# Install ``` npm install ``` or ``` yarn cinstall ``` # Start ``` npm run dev ``` # Build ``` npm run build ``` # Usage 1. Install the [CeloExtensionWallet]( from the google chrome store. 2. Create a wallet. 3. Go to []( and get tokens for the alfajores testnet. 4. Switch to the alfajores testnet in the CeloExtensionWallet.