mazadillon / Alextra

Web based extension to Alpro herd management
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A web based extension to both Delaval's Alpro for Windows and Uniform Agri. Built for use on my dairy farm and published for purposes of a backup and in case anyone else finds it useful. It's buggy and badly written but it broadly works for what I need it for.

Major features:

-Real time access to data from Uniform Agri and Alpro for Windows -Utilises milking times to produce a parlour display with fertility information -Can be used to remotely monitor milking progress, speed etc -Can identify transponders that are not identifying reliably -Provides historical milking times and sorting gate records -Can be used as an aid to sorting cows on Delaval sort gate -Uses foot trimming records to generate lists of cows due to trim -Uses Uniform agri records to identify cows for fresh cow checks or not seen bulling -Dashboard shows a breakdown of animals and breeding statuses -In depth KPIs for management analysis