Mazi-board or MAZI Guestbook is an application part of the MAZI toolkit for sharing ideas, photos and more, related to the specific place where a MAZI Zone is deployed, a form of digital Guestbook.
See here for more details and documentation:
And try it out here:
npm install
npm install pm2 -g
cp config.default.js config.js
and change database credentials and username and password in auth sectionstart your mongodb server with mongod --dbpath <path_to_your_db>
alias stop-mongodb='mongo admin --eval "db.shutdownServer()"'
alias start-mongodb='mongod --fork --logpath <your_db_dir>/mongodb.log --dbpath <your_db_dir>'
run npm test
create startup service for mongodb
create startup service for pm2
pm2 startup systemd
then follow the instructionspm2 start main.js
and pm2 save
standard port for server is 8081, configure nginx or apache to forward http requests on port 80 to node server
Mazi-board is an application developed initially by, to complement the Hybrid LetterBox:, with a local offline application to view, comment, and add new cards through a device.
As part of the MAZI toolkit is being further developed to be used as a generic application.