mazim-co / MMM-MyVolvo

MagicMirror Module for Volvo Cars
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MMM-MyVolvo license

MMM-MyVolvo is a MagicMirror module. The module retrieves informations from your Volvo through the Volvo Cars API.


This module is based on the initial module from eouia (archived).




The installation is divided in two parts: Installation volvooncall and MMM-MyVolvo

Part 1: Installing volvooncall python programm.

Check and install Python3.6. To find out which version of Python you have, open a terminal window and typ the following commands:

# Check the system Python version
$ python --version
# Check the Python 3 version
$ python3 --version

# If you have Python on your machine, then the command should respond with a version number.
# For example, if you already had Python 3.6.10 on your computer, then the python3 --version command would display that version number:
Python 3.6.10

If you haven't Python3.6 or higher, you need to install the requried version. Follow the recommended steps from

Install volvooncall

cd ~
git clone
cd volvooncall
# Install the programm
python3 install


# Create a new file .voc.conf
touch .voc.conf

# Edit file with nano
nano .voc.conf

# Add your credentials
username: <username> #Your VOC ID (email address)
password: <password> #Your Volvo Passwort

# Save & Exit:
# CTRL+X than respond by entering either “Y” or “N”. Since we are trying to save our changes, press “Y” and hit enter.


# Pull information from the VOC API
voc list

# You should get following example response: Licence Plate, Type/Year, VIN
HH-GS 1869 (V90/2019) YV1PWXXXXXXX95578

Part 2: Installation MMM-MyVolvo module.

# Access the Module folder from you MagicMirror
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
# Clone Repository and install
git clone
cd MMM-MyVolvo
npm install

Sample Config

  module: "MMM-MyVolvo",
  header: "MyVolvo V90 T4",
  position: "top_right",
    config: {
        display: {
            info: false,
            graphic: "v90.png",
            status: true,
            notice: true,
            trip: true,


Following properties can be configured:

Option Description
header The header text to display

Type: string
Default value: "My Volvo"
scanInterval The interval fetching informations from that API.

Type: string
Default value: 10 * 60 * 1000 // 10 Minutes
units The metrics shown km/h, mp/h.

Type: string
Possible values: metrics, us, imperial, kr
Default value: metrics
info Display the details of your car: car license plate, model and construction year.

Type: boolean
Possible values: true or false
Default value: false
graphic Display a graphic of your Volvo. (see below Volvo Graphic Gallery).

Type: string
Default value: "v90.png"
status Display the general information from your car: Fuel amount, Avg. Speed, Fuel Level ect.

Type: boolean
Possible values: true or false
Default value: true
notice Display details from vehicle status: Doors looked, Engine on/off, Tyre ok, Windows open/closed.

Type: boolean
Possible values: true or false
Default value: true
trip Display the last trip. Departure and Destination as well as the trip details.

Type: boolean
Possible values: true or false
Default value: true

Volvo Graphic Gallery

Option 1: You can select your Volvo from the graphics folder.

Option 2: Upload your own graphic and save it in the graphic folder. You can reference that as described in Option 1.

Option 3: Hide the graphic by just leaving graphic: "" blank.