copy nsMySQL.dll
file to %programfiles%\NSIS\Plugins
nsMySQL::ExecSQL User Passwd Host Port SQL LogFileName Encoding
nsMySQL::ExecSQLFromFile User Passwd Host Port FileName LogFileName Encoding
nsMySQL::ExecSQLCreateUser User Passwd Host Port UserAccess UserName UserHost UserPasswd SQL LogFileName Encoding
nsMySQL::ExecSQLFromFileCreateUser User Passwd Host Port UserAccess UserName UserHost UserPasswd FileName LogFileName Encoding
User: user of database connection
Passwd: password of user
Host: address database server (default: 'localhost'
Port: port to access database (default: '3306'
FileName: is a full filename of an SQL script
UserAccess: Database or table that created user can access use. '*.*'
to full access
UserName: Name of new user
UserHost: allow access only for a specified host. use '%'
to access from any host
UserPasswd: password of new user
LogFileName: Filename for save execution log errors
Encoding: Encoding to be used for client code page: 'utf8'
Please see the license file for more information.