mazzzystar / randomCNN-voice-transfer

Audio style transfer with shallow random parameters CNN.
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Voice style transfer with random CNN

Maybe the fastest voice style transfer with reasonable result ?

What is voice style transfer?

Inspired by the paper A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style , the idea of Neural Voice Transfer aims at "using Obama's voice to sing songs of Beyoncé" or something related.

We aim to:

Highlight of my work

Performance compared with other works

Some of other projects with audio results are as below.

To sum up, our results is far better than the original random CNN results, which use the same dataset (only two audio) as we did. For those pre-trained deep neural network based on huge dataset, our results is comparable, and can be traind in 5 minutes, without using any outer dataset.(But still, all these conclusion are based on human taste.)


You can listen to my current result now ! It's on soundcloud, link1, link2.

The generated spectrogram compared with content and style.

Compare the spectrogram of gen with content and style(X axis represents Time Domain, Y axis represents Frequency Domain), we can find that:

Reproduce it yourself

pip install -r requirements.txt 
# remove `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES` when use CPU, though it will be slow. 
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -content input/boy18.wav -style input/girl52.wav

Tips: change 3x1 CONV to 3x3 CONV can get smoother generated spectrogram.

But..does the gram of random CNN output really works ?

Below is my experiments result of using texture gram after 1-layer RandomCNN to capture speaker identity by putting them as the only feature in a simple nearest neighbor speaker identification system. The table shows the result of speaker identification accuracy of this system over the first 15 utterances of 30 first speakers of the VCTK dataset, along with 100 utterances of 4 first speakers.

Speakers Train/Test Accuracy
30 270/180 45.6%
4 240/160 92.5%

It seems texture gram along time-axis really captured something, you can check it by:

python vctk_identify