mbachry / mosquitto_pyauth

Mosquitto auth plugin that lets you write your auth plugins in Python!
MIT License
63 stars 33 forks source link


Mosquitto auth plugin that lets you write your auth plugins in Python.


You need mosquitto version 1.5.1 or higher.

Make sure you have Python dev package installed (apt-get install python-dev or apt-get install python3-dev under Debian/Ubuntu).

You must either have mosquitto header files installed globally in /usr/include, etc. or clone this repository at the top of the mosquitto source directory. Then:

cd mosquitto_pyauth
make USE_CARES=1

Remove USE_CARES if c-ares library isn't installed in your system.

Alternatively you can pass full path to mosquitto sources using MOSQUITTO_SRC variable:

make MOSQUITTO_SRC=/path/to/mosquitto-src

Pass PYTHON_VERSION variable to compile with other other Python version than default (3.6):


If all goes ok, there should be file in the current directory. Copy it under path accessible for mosquitto daemon, e.g.: /usr/local/lib/mosquitto/.


If you get errors while compiling the plugin about -lmosquitto then you have a missing link to libmosquitto. Just check the file /usr/lib/ or /usr/lib/ exists and create a symlink:

ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

And make again the plugin. This time it should work.


Add following line to mosquitto.conf:

auth_plugin /path/to/

You must also give a pointer to Python module which is going to be loaded (make sure it's in Python path, use PYTHONPATH env variable to the rescue):

auth_opt_pyauth_module some_module

Python module

Python module should do required initializations when it's imported and provide following global functions:

Auxiliary module

Authentication module can import an auxiliary module provided by mosquitto:

import mosquitto_auth

The module provides following function:

The following constants for access parameter in acl_check are provided:

The following constants for loglevel parameter in log are provided: