:Info: A nose plugin to facilitate the creation of automated tests that access Mongo Engine structures. :Repository: https://github.com/mbanton/nose-mongoengine/ :PyPI page: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/nose-mongoengine/ :Author: Marcelo Anton (http://github.com/mbanton) & Maxwell Dayvson ( https://github.com/dayvson/)
.. image:: https://secure.travis-ci.org/mbanton/nose-mongoengine.png?branch=master :target: http://travis-ci.org/mbanton/nose-mongoengine
Originally based on Mongo Nose ( http://pypi.python.org/pypi/mongonose/ ). Thanks to: Kapil Thangavelu
.. contents::
Using pip:
pip install nose-mongoengine
The plugin extends the nose options with a few options. The only
required options are either --mongoengine
or --mongoengine-mongodb-bin
to enable
the plugin.
is required to enable the plugin.
Allows specifying the path to the mongod
If not specified the plugin will search the path for a mongodb
binary. If one is not found, an error will be raised.
Optionally clear data in db after every module of tests.
Optionally clear data in db after every class of tests.
can be optionally set, by default the plugin
will utilize a a random open port on the machine.
Enables the javascript scripting engine,
off by default.
Stores the server log at the given path, by
default sent to /dev/null
Enables pre-allocation of databases, default
is off. Modern filesystems will sparsely allocate, which can
speed up test execution.
The plugin will up a instance of Mongo Db and create a empty database to use it.
Since this is your model using mongoengine ( model_one.py )::
# encoding:utf-8 #
from mongoengine import *
class ModelOne(Document):
int_value1 = IntField()
int_value2 = IntField()
boolean_value = BooleanField(required=True, default=False)
def get_model_one_by_value1(cls, v):
return ModelOne.objects(int_value1=v)
def get_model_one_by_boolean_value(cls, v):
return ModelOne.objects(boolean_value=v)
This is an example using the test nose + nose-mongoengine ( test_model_one.py )::
# encoding:utf-8 #
from model_one import ModelOne
from nose.tools import assert_equals
class TestModelOne(object):
# This method run on instance of class
def setUpClass(cls):
global o1_id, o2_id
# Create two objects for test
o1 = ModelOne()
o1.int_value1 = 500
o1.int_value2 = 123
o1.boolean_value = True
o2 = ModelOne()
o2.int_value1 = 500
o2.int_value2 = 900
o2.boolean_value = False
# Save the id of objects to match in the test
o1_id = o1.id
o2_id = o2.id
# This method run on every test
def setUp(self):
global o1_id, o2_id
self.o1_id = o1_id
self.o2_id = o2_id
def test_match_with_value1(self):
find = ModelOne.get_model_one_by_value1(500)
assert_equals(len(find), 2)
assert_equals(find[0].id, self.o1_id)
assert_equals(find[1].id, self.o2_id)
def test_match_with_boolean_value(self):
find = ModelOne.get_model_one_by_boolean_value(True)
assert_equals(len(find), 1)
assert_equals(find[0].id, self.o1_id)
Run in the command line::
$ nosetests --mongoengine test_model_one.py
Ran 2 tests in 0.054s