mbari-org / oni

Organism Naming Infrastructure
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oni - Organism Naming Infrastructure


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This is a project to create a RESTful API for managing the naming of organisms. Currently in development, it is meant to be a replacement for and


This is a normal sbt project. You can compile code with sbt compile, run it with sbt run, and sbt console will start a Scala 3 REPL.

Useful Commands

  1. stage - Build runnable project in target/universal
  2. universal:packageBin - Build zip files of runnable project in target/universal
  3. scaladoc - Build documentation, including API docs to target/docs/site
  4. compile then scalafmtAll - Will convert all syntax to new-style, indent based Scala 3.


Documentation can be added as markdown files in docs and will be included automatically when you run scaladoc.

When updating SBT version, make sure to update the devcontainer image in devcontainer.json. It's versions are eclipse-temurin-<java.version>_<sbt.version>_<scala.version>