As a user,
I want to upload a photo of 1 person,
So that I can analyse it
As a user,
I want my photo to be analysed of 1 person,
So that I can find out an emotion score
As a user,
I want my analysed emotion picture to be displayed in a graph,
So that it is easy to understand
As a user,
I want to upload a photo of multiple people,
So that I can analyse it
As a user,
I want my photo to be analysed of multiple people,
So that I can find out an emotion score
As a user,
I want to use my webcam to take the pictures,
So that is is relevant live data
As a user,
I want a picture to be taken from my webcam every 10 seconds,
So that I can have real-time data
As a user,
I want my analysed crowd to be displayed in a positive index graph,
So that I can track developments in positive emotion over time
As a user,
I want the light to change colour based on emotion,
So that I can improve my mood
Emotional Analysis
Data Visualisation
Deployed to Heroku
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npm test
in project root directory