mbispham / zeekjs-redis

Zeek Logs to Redis (ZeekJS Version)
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
0 stars 1 forks source link


This zkg package implements a method of parsing Zeek logs to Redis. ZeekJS is utilised to achieve this. Using a Unix socket for data transmission, this package builds upon the log-bypass example, to enhance storage options and faster data analysis.

ZeekJS-Redis Diagram

Installing and configuring the plugin


You will need the following on your machine to install and configure the plugin (tip: see below how to build and use the supplied Docker container to try it out!).

Install zeekjs-redis plugin

Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/mbispham/zeekjs-redis.git

Install with zkg:

zkg install .

Install all npm dependencies

The plugin will need some more npm modules which can be installed as follows:

npm install

Note: you might have to change the system NODE_PATH for Zeek to find the modules.

Configure redis-server

You will need to have redis-server installed and running using a unixsocket. Check the documentation on your platform but usually this is done by editing /etc/redis/redis.conf and adding the following line:

unixsocket /var/run/redis/redis.sock

or another path of choice.

Configure socketpath in plugin

The plugin will need to know the socketpath of the redis-server. If you have chosen another path than in the previous step, you will need to change the value of ZEEKJS_REDIS_SOCKET_PATH in the following file:


Run Zeek on a pcap

1. Run the test PCAP through Zeek: After installing the package run the test pcap with zeek.

zeek -C LogAscii::use_json=T -r <pcap>

-C avoids checksum errors, LogAscii::use_json=T enables JSON formatted logs. Note, if installing from a local git pull, the pathway is likely:

PREFIX_PATH=$(zeek-config --prefix)

2. Access Redis using the CLI: Connect to Redis through the Unix socket to query the results.

redis-cli -s /var/run/redis/redis.sock

3. View the keys stored in Redis: Check what keys are in Redis after running Zeek.

redis /var/run/redis/redis.sock> KEYS *
1) "zeek_packet_filter_logs"
2) "zeek_conn_logs"

4. Retrieve log data from Redis: Fetch the stored conn logs.

redis /var/run/redis/redis.sock> LRANGE zeek_conn_logs 0 -1

Example Output:

1) "{\"ts\":1616775350.763199,\"uid\":\"XXX\",\"id\":{\"orig_h\":\"\",\"orig_p\":53537,\"resp_h\":\"\",\"resp_p\":31981},\"proto\":\"tcp\",\"conn_state\":\"S0\",\"local_orig\":true,\"local_resp\":true,\"missed_bytes\":0,\"history\":\"S\",\"orig_pkts\":1,\"orig_ip_bytes\":44,\"resp_pkts\":0,\"resp_ip_bytes\":0}"
24) "{\"ts\":...

Build and use Docker image

You can also try ZeekJS-redis using Docker! To do so, make sure you have Docker installed and build the image:

docker build .

Then start the container with

docker run -it <id>

This will start redis-server and drop you into a bash shell. From here you can test the supplied pcap using:

root@xxxxx:~$ zeek -Cr zeekjs-redis-test.pcap

Output will be like this:

info: Connected to Redis successfully. {"label":"index.js","timestamp":"2024-05-13 19:39:15"}
info: Connected to Redis through Unix socket. {"label":"index.js","timestamp":"2024-05-13 19:39:15"}
info: Log stream policy hook setup successfully. {"label":"index.js","timestamp":"2024-05-13 19:39:15"}
Main function completed successfully.

Refer to here to learn how to retrieve the values from redis.

Filtered Log Usage

If the intention is to export specific fields from Zeek logs to Redis, an example modification to index.js is outlined below:

  logID = logID.replace(/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g, '$1_$2').toLowerCase();

  const logFile = `${logID}.log`;
  const redisKey = `zeek_${logID}_logs_orig_ip_bytes`;
  const logRec = zeek.select_fields(logData, zeek.ATTR_LOG);
  if (!('orig_ip_bytes' in logRec)) {

  const origBytes = logRec.orig_ip_bytes;
  const serializedData = stringify(origBytes);



zeekjs-redis is free and open-source software licensed under the 3-clause BSD license.

Feedback and Contributions

Feedback and/or contributions are welcome.