mbkarle / mind-the-fog

Roguelike JavaScript game--mind the fog!
2 stars 1 forks source link

Mind the Fog

Caulfield Road Studios presents:


With magic and combat and all sorts of wild things like that.

All inquiries about fog related issues redirect to @akarle

Monster smashing, combat bashin, magic flashin type stuff to @mbkarle (also our #1 beta tester).

Oh and @ckarle w the graphics yo if he ever does them ;)


Hopefully eventually we'll have a website running up at mindthefog.com, but for right now, you've got to hack it yourself!

Simple Play

The easiest way to play is just to open game/index.html in a browser. Believe it or not, this should work!

Caveat: Cookies do not work in this mode as file:// is not supported. To support saves between games, see server play below!

Server Play

If you want to test out our simple server, or you want to host the game for all computers on your network, we've added our server to this repo as well!

cd server
npm install
npm start


Currently, we have only tested the game on the latest versions of Firefox and Chrome.

Given the large role of CSS in the game, it is quite likely that aspects may be broken in various degrees on other platforms.

If you find any issues, please let us know! Open an issue and make sure you mention the platform you are using!