mbland / custom-links

An application for allowing authenticated users to create and dereference custom URLs hosted on a custom domain.
ISC License
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Custom Links

License Continuous integration status Coverage Status Static analysis status

Source: https://github.com/mbland/custom-links

An application for allowing authenticated users to create and dereference custom URLs hosted on a custom domain.

For example, if you run an instance of Custom Links that can be accessed via your network using the hostname go, you can create memorable custom links such as go/cl that redirect to longer target URLs such as https://github.com/mbland/custom-links.

You can update the target URLs for links you own, and transfer ownership to other users.

It runs on Node.js and uses Redis as a backing store.

Table of contents


  1. Install Node.js on your system. This system requires version 4.2 or greater or version 5 or greater. You may wish to first install a version manager such as nvm to manage and install different Node.js versions.
  2. Install Redis on your system. This system works with version 3, but version 4 or greater is recommended.
  3. If the Bash shell isn't available on your system, see the Installing Bash section later in this document.
  4. In the root directory of the application, run the following to install the necessary npm packages and to ensure that the application is functioning properly:
    $ ./go
  5. Create app credentials.
  6. Configure the application.
  7. To run the server locally for testing and development, save your configuration as test-config.json and run the following command from the root directory of the application:
    $ ./go serve
  8. To run a production instance of the server, run the following command from the root directory of the application, where config.json is the path to your configuration file:
    $ ./go serve config.json

    Alternatively, you can specify the path to the configuration file via the CUSTOM_LINKS_CONFIG_PATH environment variable:

    $ CUSTOM_LINKS_CONFIG_PATH=config.json ./go serve


Right now, only Google OAuth 2.0 is supported, though the Passport-based authentication scheme permits the addition of other authentication providers and strategies.

  1. On the credentials page of the Google Developer's console, click the Create credentials button and select OAuth client ID.
  2. Select Web application.
  3. Fill in the following values:
    • Name: "Custom Links server" or whatever you wish
    • Authorized JavaScript origins: The root URL of your Custom Links server. If you're only testing locally, use http://localhost:3000
    • Authorized redirect URIs: The root URL of your Custom Links server followed by /auth/callback. If testing locally, this should be http://localhost:3000/auth/callback. You will use this value to set the GOOGLE_CALLBACK_URL configuration variable.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Make note of the client ID and client secret values, and use them to set the CUSTOM_LINKS_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and CUSTOM_LINKS_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET configuration variables.


You will need to provide a configuration file in JSON format that defines the following required fields:

You must also provide at least one of the following fields:

You may define both of these fields if you wish.

The following fields are optional:

The following fields are required by the Google OAuth provider (see the Credentials section above):

A complete example looks like the following:

  "PORT": 3000,
  "AUTH_PROVIDERS": [ "google" ],
  "REDIS_PORT": 6379,
  "SESSION_SECRET": "<session secret>",
  "SESSION_MAX_AGE": 3600,
  "GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID": "<client ID>",
  "GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET": "<client secret>",
  "GOOGLE_CALLBACK_URL": "http://localhost:3000/auth/callback",
  "users": [
  "domains": [

For local testing, you can define a test-config.json in the root directory of the Custom Links instance; ./go serve will find this file automatically.

For a production instance, you need to provide the path to the configuration via one of the following methods, where config.json represents the path to your configuration file:

$ ./go serve config.json
$ CUSTOM_LINKS_CONFIG_PATH=config.json ./go serve

Environment variables

Any of the string and numeric configuration variables (i.e. not list variables) may be specified by corresponding environment variables prefixed with CUSTOMLINKS, for example PORT could be specified as CUSTOM_LINKS_PORT.

Specifically, the following variables should likely be specified as environment variables and not specified in any version-controlled configuration file:


If you'd like to experiment with developing the system, start by creating an alias for the ./go script called cl like so:

$ eval "$(./go env cl)"

This alias allows you to run the ./go script commands from anywhere, with tab completion for commands that implement it. Begin familiarizing yourself with cl commands by running:

$ cl --help

Running the tests

Run cl -h on any of the following commands for detailed information:

You can add the --coverage flag to cl test, cl test server, or cl test browser to collect coverage using NYC/Istanbul.

Also see the Caveat: Karma and Safari section below if you plan to test against Apple's Safari browser.

Local environment variables

Read through the .config/env.template file, and consider making a copy as .config/env.local and customizing the variables within this copy as described in the file. Of particular interest are the SELENIUM_BROWSER and KARMA_BROWSERS variables.

Code organization

index.js is the main file used to start the server.

lib/ contains all of the server-side implementation. lib/index.js is the entry point. lib/auth contains Passport-compatible authentication objects.

public/ contains all the front-end code. public/index.html is the single HTML file for the application. public/tests/tests.js contains all the user interface tests. public/tests/lib.js contains helper functions for the UI test suite.

tests/server contains all of the server-side tests. tests/end-to-end contains the Selenium-WebDriver tests. tests/helpers contains various test helper functions, configurations, and support servers.

scripts/ contains the individual ./go command scripts. scripts/go-script-bash contains the go-script-bash framework upon which the ./go script system is built.

Installing karma-cli

If you wish to use the Karma test runner while updating and testing the user interface, make sure to install karma-cli via:

$ npm install -g karma-cli

Now you can run the browser-only tests using one of:

# To keep all browsers running and refreshing automatically on file changes:
$ karma start

# To close all browsers after a single run:
$ karma start --single-run

Caveat: Karma and Safari

There are two issues that currently require manual intervention when using Karma with Safari:

Installing Bash

If you're using a flavor of UNIX (e.g. Linux, OS X), you likely already have a suitable version of Bash already installed and available. If not, use your system's package manager to install it.

On Windows, the Git for Windows, MSYS2 and Cygwin distributions all ship with a version of Bash. On Windows 10, you can also use the Windows Subsystem for Linux.

Open Source License

This software is made available as Open Source software under the ISC License. For the text of the license, see the LICENSE file.