mbod / comm318_F21_Project_Group1

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Voting Health Paradox

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Every four years, during the presidential election, healthcare is consistently an emotive flashpoint. Pew Research Center’s has found that 68% of registered voters say that healthcare is a ‘very important’ issue when deciding who to vote for (second only to the economy in importance), it doesn’t seem to be an overstatement to say that a popular health care policy can swing an election. In the previous two elections, the Affordable Care Act – often called Obamacare after its progenitor – has been the key issue up for debate. Perhaps because of its Democratic origins, the ACA has become an incredibly partisan issue, despite the seemingly beneficial goal of expanding state provided healthcare insurance to the uninsured.The argument for the ACA seems simple enough – presumably, in an ideal world, anyone would hope that healthcare coverage was enjoyed by all. The argument against, however, is a little less clear. Our data story hopes to analyize the healthcare voting paradox, where voters who would benefit from expanded health care vote against it. We plan on anaswering some key questions such as, if the paradox exists and why does it exist.

Are story is laid out the following folders: