mbridak / not1mm

Not1MM != N1MM, An amateur radio contest logger for Linux.
GNU General Public License v3.0
93 stars 20 forks source link

Create new (small) contests by myself? #41

Closed DE8MSH closed 9 months ago

DE8MSH commented 10 months ago

Hi. Is it possible to enter new small (local) contests by myself? VHF contest 4 eg.?

mbridak commented 10 months ago

Hi. Yes it's possible. But it's complicated.

I think the interface of the program itself would need a little work. But that's just conmetic.

There's a file called 'Anatomy_Of_A_Plugin.md' which tries to document some of the stuff.

Which contest were you considering?

HB9HLI commented 10 months ago

I also have this question because on this side of the Atlantic I'm interested in contests like Helvetia (Swiss contest) and the REF Cup (France). I'm not very good with Python programming and I don't realize if it's complicated or not, but maybe being able to easily create a contest profile rules myself would help and lighten your workload. :-) I'll have a look Anatomy_Of_A_Plugin.md'. 73's from Dom HB9HLI.

mbridak commented 10 months ago

I'll try and add those for you. I'm sorry the plugin system is far from user friendly.