mbridak / not1mm

Not1MM != N1MM, An amateur radio contest logger for Linux.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Scoring not right. #5

Closed mbridak closed 1 year ago

mbridak commented 1 year ago


@k6gte I'm not sure that the WPX scoring is working correctly in not1mm, e.g. all my contacts with US stations from the UK on 15m are scored at 2 points instead of 3. Contacts with stations on other continents e.g. Africa, Asia are correctly scored at 3 points and 1 point for other European stations.

mbridak commented 1 year ago

trouble traced to the expression:

if mycontinent and continent == "NA":

Which instead of evaluating as:

If I and the contact are both in NorthAmerica:

are evaluated as:

If I'm not False and Contact is in NorthAmerica:

mbridak commented 1 year ago

Fixed with