Arduino software for a single vessel brewsystem with some extra's. The code
is based on Open ArdBir, but the most of it is rewritten from scratch.
Recipe storage is incompatible with Open-ArdBir because of a bug in the
Open ArdBir code. Most, but not all of the EEPROM storage settings are
compatible, so upgrading to this package should be easy. But still, check
all settings before and after changing this software.
Differences between other systems and MBSE-ArdRims:
- Electric systems only, I have no plans to support Gas.
- 20x4 displays only.
- During Mash stages, the PID is allways active, no override to full power
when temperature is too far off.
- The PID has a larger setup range, P from 0 to 2048, I from 0 to 128 and
D from 0 to 32768. There are also decimals to set. Because of this the
PID finally works as it was supposed to work. The default values for the
PID are: P = 150, I = 1.5 and D = 15000.
- Mash steps setup is more user friendly. You first set steps that can be
skipped on or off, and only if "on" you can set the parameters.
- No PID control during boil, heatup is always 100%, and when the boil temp
is reached, a lower percentage can be used. If the temperature drops below
the boil temp it goes immediatly back to 100% power.
- There are now 4 whirlpool stages possible. Settings are stored within
the recipes. Each whirlpool can be timed active or off.
- 88..100 Celcius, holding at 93.
- 71..77 Celcius, holding at 74.
- 60..66 Celcius, holding at 63.
- After final cooling, no hold.
- Conditional defines to select the display language, English is the default
and the Dutch language is selected using a define.
- Conditional defines to add a SSR and a DS18B20 sensor on a separate one-
wire bus to control a Hot Liquer Tank. Heating is timeshared with the
normal Mash heater. USE_HLT true/false.
- Improved and more robust 1-wire bus reads for the sensor(s).
- In manual mode if the MLT temperature is reached, a clock will start and
show the running time.
- Automatic mode is now state controlled. This saves memory and the code is
better readable.
- EEPROM storage has a signature and revision marks, so upgrades to any new
versions should be smooth. This also means that old recipe storage from
Open-ArdBir (and others) is erased because it was not stored correctly.
- Writing to EEPROM only writes if the data is changed to save EEPROM life
time. (Update mode).
- The recipe menu is more friendly. It remembers the last used entry and
there is now a separate Save and a Save-as choice.
- Only Celcius now.
- The cooling destination temperature can be set as a Auto/Recipe setting.
- Better timing using the interrupt driven secTimer library. This works
much better then the old millis() function.
- Conditional define (USE_PumpPWM true/false) that allows you to regulate
the pump speed using the Arduino PWM signals. Default is false and must
be used if the pump is connected using a relay. If true, you must use a
electronic power circuit. waarmee de pomp snelheid
electronisch geregeld kan worden. Default false, dus voor relais. Indien
true moet je zorgen voor een elektronische vermogens regeling.
- The last used temperatures in manual mode will be remembered for the next
time you use manual mode.
Next to the standard Arduino libraries you need to install the following extra
In the menu: Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries.
In the new windows you can search and install these libraries.