mbrt / glassdb

A transactional, stateless, embedded key/value store on top of object storage
Apache License 2.0
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Glass DB

GoDoc Go Report Card Build

Glass DB is a pure Go key/value store on top of object storage (e.g. Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob Service) that is stateless and supports ACID transactions. Clients import Glass DB as a library and don't need to deploy, nor depend on any additional services. Everything is built on top of object storage.

The interface is inspired by BoltDB and Apple's FoundationDB.

Project status

[!WARNING] This is still alpha software.

Transactions should be working correctly and performance could definitely improve. Interfaces and file formats are not stable and can still change at any point. Documentation is almost nil, but I'm planning to work on it very soon.

Note also that currently we only support Google GCS, but adding Azure Blob Storage should be very easy. More work is required for Amazon S3 which lacks request preconditions on uploads.[^1]

Usage example

This short example demonstrates how a transaction can read and modify a single key atomically. The function also returns the value read before the change.

import (


func openDB(ctx context.Context, bucket, dbName string) (*glassdb.DB, error) {
    // See https://pkg.go.dev/cloud.google.com/go/storage for how to initialize
    // a Google Cloud Storage client.
    client, err := storage.NewClient(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    backend := gcs.New(client.Bucket(bucket))
    return glassdb.Open(ctx, dbName, backend)

func example(db *glassdb.DB) (string, error) {
    ctx := context.Background()
    coll := db.Collection([]byte("my-collection"))
    key := []byte("key")
    var res string

    err := db.Tx(ctx, func(tx *glassdb.Tx) error {
        b, err := tx.Read(coll, key)
        // The first time around there's no key, so here we would get an error.
        // In that case we continue below and just write the first 'Hello'.
        if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, backend.ErrNotFound) {
            return err
        res = string(b)
        if string(b) == "Hello" {
            return tx.Write(coll, key, []byte("world!"))
        return tx.Write(coll, key, []byte("Hello"))

    return res, err


A blog post with more details will come soon, but see below for a preview.

This project makes the following specific tradeoffs:

Glass DB makes sense in contexts where there are many writers that rarely write to the same keys or reads are more frequent than writes.

Example 1: User settings

One example could be storing user settings. Every key is dedicated to one user and the value contains all the settings. This way we can update each user independently (and scale horizontally). In the rare case where two updates for the same user arrive concurrently, we don't produce an inconsistent result but retry the transaction.

Example 2: Low frequency updates

The application serves low traffic (e.g. one query per minute). What are the choices today?

Neither seem cost effective in the scenario. We are talking about $10 a month, which is not huge, but can we do better?

Yes. With Glass DB you only pay for each query and long term storage. In the case of GCS (as of 2023) we are talking about:

At a rate of one write per minute this would be around $2 a month. Less usage? Even less money.

Example 3: Analytics

Data ingestion can usually be done in parallel and designed in such a way that different processes write independently.

A compaction process can run in parallel to the ingestion, bringing the data in a shape better suited for the query layer.

Compaction and ingestion are mostly independent, but we must make sure to be robust to crashes and restarts (avoiding e.g. double-counting or event duplicates). This can be ensured with transactions provided by Glass DB. If most transactions don't conflict with each other, the throughput will scale mostly linearly (See Performance).


We are obviously bound by object storage's latencies which are typically:

Operation Size Mean (ms) Std Dev (ms) Median (ms) 90th % (ms)
Download 1 KiB 57.4 6.6 56.8 64.8
Download 100 KiB 55.4 6.7 53.3 63.1
Download 1 MiB 56.7 3.8 57.7 59.9
Metadata 1 KiB 31.5 8.0 28.1 41.3
Upload 1 KiB 70.4 17.3 64.7 88.8
Upload 100 KiB 88.9 14.6 83.1 105.0
Upload 1 MiB 117.5 12.6 115.9 131.0

This is a lot slower than most databases, but still has a few advantages:

  1. Throughput: we can leverage object storage scalability by reading and writing many objects in parallel. In this way we can perform many transactions per second (scale linearly). We would only be limited by bandwidth (see GCS quotas).

  2. Size scalability: object storage scales to petabytes and probably more, as cloud providers keep working on making them faster and more scalable.

See how this translates in a dataset of 50k keys, where we vary the number of concurrent clients. Each client DB is performing 10 transactions in parallel, split in this way:

For example, with 5 concurrent DBs we would have 50 parallel transactions at every moment.

We did all the tests below by using Google Cloud Storage as a backend.


Glass DB's throughput scales mostly linearly with the number of concurrent clients and transactions:

The graph shows separately the three different types of transactions, where the bold line is the median number of transactions per second and the error band includes the 10th and 90th percentiles.

As you can see the median throughput increases linearly (better for reads than for writes), touching 7k transactions per second with 500 concurrent clients.

To note also the slight performance degradation at the 10th percentile with more than 30 concurrent DBs. This is due to the increased probability of conflicts between transactions (e.g. when writers race each other).

See the transaction retries below, hurting performance at the higher percentiles:

Since each transaction operates on multiple keys, here is for completeness the graph of those. Each operation is a key being read or written:

It's interesting to see that weak reads are losing against strong reads in this benchmark, for several reasons:

Taken all together this means that weak reads in this case translate mostly into strong reads on a single key. These tend to perform worse (in terms of throughput) than reading two keys per transactions, because they can be done in parallel. The advantage of weak reads in this case comes with less sensitivity to retries, as you can see from the lower variability at higher percentiles.


Latency is not Glass DB's forte, but you can see below that it stays mostly flat as we increase the number of concurrent clients and transactions:

Here the effects of the retries is more noticeable at higher percentiles, as expected. Some transactions will start taking longer, as they have to drop their work and restart after a conflict.


Glass DB is currently using a naive approach when it comes to deadlocks. The only detection mechanism is long timeouts. When a transaction cannot make progress for several seconds, it releases all the locks and retries by taking them one by one in a defined order. This is very slow, but ensures that no further deadlocks can occur.

You can see in the graph below how slow transactions can get when these situations occur:

In this example, 5 parallel workers keep competing for the same keys (between 1 and 6), with varying degrees of overlap (up to 100%).

As you can see, it's very easy for transactions to deadlock in this situation, resulting in delays of tens of seconds in the worst case.

This is mostly due to a few factors:


See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.


See LICENSE for details.


This project is not an official Google project. It is not supported by Google and Google specifically disclaims all warranties as to its quality, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose.

[^1]: Even though S3 is strongly consistent, it doesn't support If- headers on PUT operations like it does on GET.