mbrugger / timetracking

Every good IT company has to write a time tracking application at least once ;)
MIT License
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RoR Timetracking Application for Small Companies

Build Status Code Climate Test Coverage

A lot of work still needs to be done but the current version of the application already serves its purpose for me and my 14 colleagues. I created a list of issues I hopefully will be able to resolve soon.

Demo System

A demo installation is available at Heroku

The system is available for testing and will be cleared frequently


Installation instructions


Environment Configuration:

All necessary configuration can be done through environment variables so you can easily deploy the application to heroku without any code changes necessary

Mail settings(environments/production.yml):
export SMTP_SERVER="smtp.example.com"
export SMTP_PORT="465"
export SMTP_DOMAIN="example.com"
export SMTP_USER_NAME="myuser@example.com"
export SMTP_PASSWORD="topsecretpassword"
export SMTP_SSL="true"
export MAIL_FROM="noreply@example.com"
export MAIL_HOSTNAME="timetracking.example.com"
Security settings(secrets.yml):
Database settings (database.yml):

See database.yml on how exactly the configuration values are used. Run bundle install to install without the heroku (e.g. postgres) or mysql dependencies:

bundle install --without heroku
export DATABASE_TYPE="mysql"
export DATABASE_NAME="timetracking"
export DATABASE_USERNAME="timetracking"
export DATABASE_PASSWORD="timetracking"
export DATABASE_HOST="localhost"
export DATABASE_PORT="3306"
export DATABASE_TYPE="pg"
export DATABASE_URL="postgres://user:pass@host:5432/database"
Used as company name on reports:
export COMPANY_NAME="TT Ltd"