mcapino / rmtrack

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RMTRACK -- Robust Multi-robot Trajectory Tracking under Delaying Disturbances

This repository contains an implementation of RMTRACK algorithm and the dataset used for experimental comparision as described in the paper:

Michal Cap and Jean Gregoire and Emilio Frazzoli: "Provably Safe and Deadlock-Free Execution of Multi-Robot Plans under Delaying Disturbances", IROS 2016 (in review), 2016.

  1. Dependencies:

    To run the experiment and process the data, you need GNU parallel, R and other non-standard dependencies. In Ubuntu 14.04 you can install them by running:

$ sudo apt-get install parallel r-cran-plyr r-cran-ggplot2

  1. Recomputing the experiment:

To recompute the entire experiment, run the following command:

$ ./