mcauser / BLACK_F407VE

MicroPython board definition for the MCUDev Black STM32F407VET6 board
MIT License
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micropython micropython-board stm32f4 stm32f407vet6

MCUDev Black STM32F407VET6

MicroPython board definition files for the MCUDev black STM32F407VET6 dev board.

Brand: MCUDev

Markings: STM32F4XX STM32_F4VE V2.0 1509


You can buy one for around $16 AUD (Oct 2019) on AliExpress.

Build the firmware

Clone the board definitions to your MicroPython ports/stm32/boards folder.

cd micropython/ports/stm32/boards
git clone

cd ..

Flashing via DFU

This board can be flashed using DFU. To put the board in DFU mode, disconnect USB, set BOOT0 to ON by connecting pin BT0 to 3V3 and reconnect USB.

Now you can flash the board using USB with the command:

make BOARD=BLACK_F407VE deploy

Once the upload is complete, disconnect USB, set BOOT0 to OFF by connecting pin BT0 to GND and reconnect USB.

Alternatively, you can use the MicroPython command pyb.bootloader() to get into DFU mode without needing to use the switch.

Currently, you need to unplug and replug the board in order to switch from DFU mode back to regular mode.

Accessing the board

Once built and deployed, you can access the MicroPython REPL (the Python prompt) via USB serial.

screen /dev/tty.usbmodem1422 115200
# or
screen /dev/ttyACM0 115200


Exposed Port Pins


TFT (J1)

SPI Flash W25Q16 (U3)

JTAG/SWD debug (P1)

ISP (J6)

USB (J4)

Micro SD (U5)

NRF24L01 (JP2)

User Button (K0)

User Button (K1)

User Button (WK_UP)

User LED (D2)

User LED (D3)

Battery (Q1)


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Licensed under the MIT License.