In order to run maximkulkin/esp-homekit-demo you need pfalcon/esp-open-sdk which requires a case-sensitive build environment on OS X and is just generally a pain.
and update the USB device identification section for your ESP. VBoxManage list usbhost
on the host machine will help you identify the device. (N.B. feel free to edit CPU/memory allocations while you're here, but the initial provisioning will fail if set to the default 512MB - I did not test the actual minimum this will build at)vagrant up
and waitvagrant ssh
to connect to the build environmentcd esp-homekit-demo
cp wifi.h.sample wifi.h
and edit wifi.h
make -C examples/led test
and if all goes well it should compile and write to your device/vagrant/
with all the tools you expect for compiling and burning ESP firmware