mceSystems / node-jsc

A node.js port to the JavaScriptCore engine and iOS
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node-jsc - A node.js port to the JavaScriptCore engine and iOS

Build Status

node-jsc enables node.js to use JavaScriptCore, WebKit's javascript engine, allowing node.js to run on iOS devices (and other platforms supported by node.js and JavaScriptCore). While node-jsc was successully tested on iOS (has already managed to succesfully run a test express.js project with websockets), it is a very early work in progress, and is far from being ready for production use.

Currently based on node v8.11.1, with slightly newer npm version, but will be updated to a more recent version of node.

A separate project, node-native-script native extension, allows javascript code running in node-jsc to directly call iOS platform APIs.


The core part of what makes node-jsc work is jscshim, which implements the parts of v8's API used by node.js on top of JavaScriptCore (JSC), WebKit's javascript engine. Similar to node-chakracore's ChakraShim and spidernode's spidershim, jscshim aims to implement as much of v8's APIs as possible, as close as possible, hopefully making it transperant to node.js and native extensions. See jscshim's documentation for more detailed design and implementation information. Note that as v8 API is quite extensive, jscshim currently doesn't implement all of it. See jscshim status and known issues to see what jscshim currently implements.

jscshim uses its own fork of WebKit. See WebKit fork and compilation for more information, or see our fork's repo.

Besides jscshim, changes were made to node's build files, source code and dependencies in order to support using jscshim (and WebKit) and to support iOS (some of it taken from the great work done in nodejs-mobile).

Why node.js on iOS?

node-jsc is experimental, but:

Why JavaScriptCore?

node-jsc's initial goal was to eventually provide a stable, production ready, node.js running on iOS devices. When I started working on it, there were a few other projects to consider:

Evantually, I chose JavaScriptCore for mainly two reasons:

Besides that:


Building for iOS on macOS

Homebrew is recommended for installing the required tools (if they aren't already installed). To install Homebrew, from the terminal:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"


Building for iOS
To build node-jsc, use from the root directory. Before using it for the first time, make sure the script is executable:

chmod +x



Which will build:

Building on Windows


From the command line, at the node-jsc root directory, use vcbuild.bat to generate a Visual Studio solution and build it:

vcbuild.bat vs2017 x64 nosnapshot noetw noperfctr jsc

When the build process is finished, node.exe will be found under the "Release" directory.

Note that this will run WebKit's build script, which will download additional support libraries for WebKit the first time it is used.

Building on\for Other Platforms

While node-jsc haven't been tested on other platforms yet, as long as a platform is supported by both node and WebKit, node-jsc should support it, or should be able to support it with some platform specific fixes. If you try to build\run node-jsc on another platform - let us know if it works, and feel free to open an issue about it (or even better - a pull request) if needed.

Using node-jsc in your app

It is recommended to use the iOS framework (built by, found at tools/NodeIOS/Release-iphoneos: 1) Add the framework to your Xcode project. 2) Add your node.js source files, in a directory, to you project. 3) In your native source code:

See NodeIOS Demo Project for an example project, which:

Native Modules

Native modules are supported, through cross compiling with node-gyp. See node-native-script for an example. Prerequisites:

To build your native extension project for arm64, from the terminal:

  1. Compile the extension ("\<node-jsc dir>" is the path of your local node-jsc repo):
    <node-jsc dir>/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js configure --nodedir=<node-jsc dir> --arch=arm64 --OS=ios --node_engine=jsc
    <node-jsc dir>/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js build --nodedir=<node-jsc dir> --arch=arm64 --OS=ios --node_engine=jsc
  2. Sign the extension's executable file:
    codesign --sign "<code signing identity>" --force ./build/Release/<Your project name>.node
  3. Copy the project directory (possibly omitting unneeded files like c\c++ source files, documentation files, etc.) to your app's javascript directory.

See node-native-script's build script for an example on how to bundle the steps above into a bash script.

What's Missing\TODO

As node-jsc is experminetal and still an early proof of concept, a lot is still missing:

Other Projects, Credits and Contributions

As node-jsc isn't the first project trying to use another javascript engine or support iOS, the great work done in other projects really helped node-jsc's development:

Further Reading


See the LICENSE file at the node-jsc's root directory.