mcenderdragon / Futurepack-API

A small Api for the Futurepack
21 stars 4 forks source link


Futurepack Source Repository

You propably wonder where the source is: not here. Futurpack is not open source, but rather visible source, but feel free to make Merge Requests/Pull Requests. It is at gitlab:


A small Api for the Futurepack

Maven Integration

Use this if you want to make an addon for the futurepack.

  maven {
    name = "ModMaven"
    url = ""//location of the futurepack maven files.
  maven {
    name = "RedSnakeMaven"
    url = ""//self hosted maven in case modmaven is not available
dependencies {
    compileOnly fg.deobf("redsnakegames.mcenderdragon:futurepack:<minecraft version>-<futurepack version>:api") // compile against the Futurepack API
    runtimeOnly fg.deobf("redsnakegames.mcenderdragon:futurepack:<minecraft version>-<futurepack version>") // at runtime, use the full Futurepack jar
    //if it sais forge is missing as dependency, try to add { transitive = false } ; this is fixed with newer futurepack versions
    //runtimeOnly fg.deobf("redsnakegames.mcenderdragon:futurepack:1.16.4-31.2.6872")
    //compileOnly fg.deobf("redsnakegames.mcenderdragon:futurepack:1.16.4-31.2.6872:api")

Futurepack Translation Project

Futurepack Mod (Minecraftforum)

Futurepack on Curse



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