mcfly-io / generator-mcfly

A Yeoman generator for scaffolding an application using angular, browserify, ionic and famous
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Question: Problems when I use iCheck, how can i deal with the css file? #300

Closed xuyukuan closed 8 years ago

xuyukuan commented 9 years ago

I use "npm install icheck" to involve icheck( lib in my project. but when I try to @import the css class in main.sass file. it doesn't work. something like:

@import "../../node_modules/icheck/skins/all";

because all.css import sub css files from sub-directory. they are not found in main.css.

so is there a solution for this kind of css file?

thaiat commented 8 years ago

import should work.. if it does not, i guess you will have to build yourself a bundle css for icheck

not related to the generator though