mcitcentral / mcitcentral

A course reviews site for the UPenn MCIT Program. Built with Typescript / React / Next.js / MaterialUI / Firebase.
MIT License
24 stars 6 forks source link

About this Project

This is the repository for, a site for the students of the MCIT Program at the University of Pennsylvania. We welcome feedback, suggestions and contributions from everyone from the student community.

This project uses the following technologies:

Getting Started

First, install all dependencies.

npm ci
# or

To run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev


Please refer to the .env.example file the environment variables nececesary.

The environment variables prefixed with NEXT_PUBLIC_FIREBASE correspond with each of the keys in your firebase configuration.

In order to generate the Base64 string for GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_BASE64 from a service-key.json file provided by Google, please run this in your console:

base64 service-key.json
