mclemente / about-face

FoundryVTT Module to rotate tokens on move
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About Face -- FoundryVTT Module

About Face is a module for FoundryVTT that changes a token's direction based on movement. It also provides optional "facing" indicators for tokens.



Two options are available in the game settings module config. Otherwise, with everything enabled:

Disable for a specific Token

Token Config Screenshot

Known Issues / Limitations


How do I keep certain tokens from spinning?


Eadorin & edzillion, for the original About Face.
Assistance from several Discord users, including @Forien and @Stan. Accepting translations for the few config options.
Assistance from theripper93 for the 3.0 update.
theripper93 for injectConfig library.


This Foundry VTT module is a fork of About Face and is licensed under GNU GPLv3.0, supplemented by Commons Clause.

This work uses the injectConfig library, which is licensed under the MIT license.

This work is licensed under Foundry Virtual Tabletop EULA - Limited License Agreement for Module Development.