mcmehene / Maze-Runner

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SFWRENG 2AA4 Assignment 1 - Maze Runner

Business Logic Specification

This program explores a maze, finding a path from an entry point to an exit one.

How to run this software?

To build the program, simply package it with Maven:

ethanmcmehen@Ethan-MacBook-Air Maze-Runner % mvn -q clean package 

Command line arguments

The program uses the following flags to run correctly:


When no logs are activated, the programs only print the computed path on the standard output.

ethanmcmehen@Ethan-MacBook-Air Maze-Runner % java -jar target/mazerunner.jar -i ./examples/straight.maz.txt
ethanmcmehen@Ethan-MacBook-Air Maze-Runner %

If a given path is correct, the program prints the message correct path on the standard output.

ethanmcmehen@Ethan-MacBook-Air Maze-Runner % java -jar target/mazerunner.jar -i ./examples/straight.maz.txt -p 4F
Correct Path
ethanmcmehen@Ethan-MacBook-Air Maze-Runner %

If a given path is incorrect, the program prints the message incorrect path on the standard output.

ethanmcmehen@Ethan-MacBook-Air Maze-Runner % java -jar target/mazerunner.jar -i ./examples/straight.maz.txt -p 3F
Inccorrect Path
ethanmcmehen@Ethan-MacBook-Air Maze-Runner %