mcndt / obsidian-toggl-integration

A Toggl integration plugin for the popular knowledge base application Obsidian.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Toggl Track Integration for Obsidian

Add integration with the Toggl Track API to manage your timers inside Obsidian.


Rendering time reports inside your notes

Using simple code blocks it is possible to render time tracking reports inside your Obsidian notes. For example,


Will result in something like:


You can find a full tutorial and reference on rendering time reports in the [plugin wiki](<>).

## Setup

Configuring this plugin requires you to first request an API token from Toggl. More info on how to do this [can be found here](

To set up this plugin, simply enter your API token in the settings tab, click connect and select the Toggl Workspace you wish to use.


## Use with other plugins:

### QuickAdd

The developer of the QuickAdd plugin has created a preset menu for timers using QuickAdd. Instructions are available [here]( and you can find out how he did it on the Obsidian Discord server ([link to message](

## Roadmap

You can see my more detailed roadmap for this plugin on this page: [Development Roadmap]( I try to keep the cards in each column sorted by priority.

## Feature Requests

Please make feature requests in the GitHub discussions tab: [click here](

If you would to like to talk about the plugin with me more directly, you can find me in the Obsidian Discord server as `Maximio#6460`. Feel free to tag me!

## Dependencies

Currently I rely on this repo for providing a JavaScript interface with the Toggl Track API:

However in the future I might write fork this so I can refactor it to use mobile friendly APIs (e.g. using Obsidian’s own request API).

## Support

If you like this plugin and want to support me, you can do so via _Buy me a Coffee_:

<a href=""><img src=" me a coffee&emoji=&slug=mcndt&button_colour=5F7FFF&font_colour=ffffff&font_family=Inter&outline_colour=000000&coffee_colour=FFDD00"></a>