mcross1882 / LogAnalyzer

Log analyzer and summary builder written in Scala built for JVM projects
Apache License 2.0
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Log analyzer and summary builder written in Scala built for JVM projects


Log analyzer uses a set of analyzer, parsers, and services to parse logfiles into condensed summaries. To understand this better lets look at each piece individually..

Condense log files

Convert bloated log files into clean and concise summaries...

Demo Diagnostics Report
Date Range
Parsing records that occurred on 2014-05-01: 12
Parsing records that occurred on 2014-05-02: 16

- Whoops something went wrong!: 2

Failed Logins experienced a failed login: 1

Debugging Noise
Suppressed: 25


Analyzers are a set of rules that match a regex expression against a single line that is read in from the logfile. They also store simple meta data like extracted regex text, counters, and the category to which the analyzer belongs too. Analyzers are written in XML (see sample below) and are located in conf/dist/analyzers.

    <analyzer name="timestamp" category="timestamp" regex="\[(\d+-\d+-\d+) \d+\:\d+\:\d+\]" vars="timestamp">

    <analyzer name="date-analyzer" category="Date Range" regex="\[(\d+-\d+-\d+) \d+\:\d+\:\d+\]" vars="timestamp">
        Parsing records that occurred on $timestamp

    <analyzer name="emergency-analyzer" category="Emergency" regex="Emergency: (.*)" vars="message">
        - $message

    <analyzer name="login-analyzer" category="Failed Logins" regex="login (\w+) for (\w+@\w+.\w+)" vars="status|email">
        $email experienced a $status login

    <analyzer name="noise-analyzer" category="Debugging Noise" regex="Debug: (.*)">


Parsers are simply a collection of analyzers. They are reusable building blocks that define the types of parsing that will be done on the input files.

    <parser name="DemoParser" type="SimpleParser">
            <logfile src="" />

            <analyzer name="timestamp" />
            <analyzer name="date-analyzer" />
            <analyzer name="emergency-analyzer" />
            <analyzer name="login-analyzer" />
            <analyzer name="noise-analyzer" />


Services represent an application or service that you want to perform log analysis on (e.g. httpd, php, etc...). They contain a list of files that should be parsed as well as a list of parsers that should be used on the input.

    <service name="demo" title="Demo Diagnostics Report">
            <parser name="DemoParser" />

            <file src="" />

            <email name="gmail" to="" from="" subject="Demo Diagnostics Demo" />


Services support the ability to export your data in different formats such as...

Extending the API

Need a custom parser or analyzer implementation? No problem simply extend the respective trait (e.g. Parser, Analyzer, or Service) and set the type attribute within the XML files to use your newly created class.