mcsltd / PyCorderPlus

Program for working with NeoReс amplifiers and actiCHamp Plus
GNU General Public License v3.0
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actichamp eeg neorec pycorder


PyCorderPlus is a continuation of PyCorder (now unsupported by BrainProducts) migrated to a new version of Python3 and its new libraries.

PyCorderPlus supports the following amplifiers:


PyCorderPlus supports the following functions for all supported amplifiers:

  1. Set up the amplifier
  2. Real-time EEG display
  3. Real-time impedance display
  4. EEG filtering
  5. Montage of channels
  6. Save the EEG in the format .eeg (Brain Products format)


  1. Install Python
  2. Download the PyCorderPlus program code
  3. In command line open directory with code of PyCorderPlus
  4. Run in command line install.bat


C:\User\Name\PyCorderPlus> install.bat


  1. In command line open directory with code of PyCorderPlus
  2. Run run.bat


C:\User\Name\PyCorderPlus> run.bat

Alternative way to run the program:

C:\User\Name\PyCorderPlus> .\venv\Scripts\activate
C:\User\Name\PyCorderPlus> python -m main


Amplifier Drivers


System requirements

Requirements for libraries

You can find other requirements for the library in the requirements.txt.


Main code base

Copyright © 2010, Brain Products GmbH, Gilching, for original PyCorder modules

Copyright © 2024, Medical Computer Systems Ltd, for modules rewritten to a new version of Python

PyCorderPlus NeoRec Recorder

Copyright © 2024, Medical Computer Systems Ltd, for modules for receiving and processing data from NeoRec amplifiers


See included LICENSE file for more details about licensing terms.

Release History


List of found errors

  1. When connecting a NeoRec cap, it is possible to double the number of channels in the display.

Error example