mczyzj / pestr

Tools to use EPPO Data Services from R
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pestr package hexsticker

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MIT Build
Status R-CMD-check codecov

Functions included in this package allows users to painlessly connect to and extract data from EPPO Data Services / EPPO Global Database. Before you start using it you should register on: EPPO Data Services and obtain your token to access REST API.


You can install the released version of pestr from CRAN with:


OR you can install and use pestr development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Overview and Usage

Package include functions that allow you to download SQLite database eppo_database_download (archive around 12 MB, after extraction around 45 MB). The database is needed for extracting eppocodes that are used in other functions from this package. Function included in eppo_tabletools_ family return both:

Before using functions that connect to REST API (hosts, categorization, taxonomy and pests) you should execute create_eppo_token function with string argument equal to your personal EPPO Data Services token. This function creates global variable eppo_token which should be parsed as an argument to functions that require token argument.

eppo_table_full allow to execute all the functions and return compact table with information on names, hosts, categorization, distribution and taxonomy – one row per one pest.

Feel free to contribute to this package and report issues via GitHub or email.

Example workflow

First you need to create token variable, use your token from EPPO Data Services.

#make basic checks and store your EPPO token in a variable
eppo_token <- pestr::create_eppo_token('<<your token>>')


#download SQLite databaase
#by default it downloads to working directory
#you can override this behaviour filepath argument

and extract the file manually to project working directory.

Put all the names that you are looking for into a vector, e.g.:

#use some pests names and store them in a variable
pests <- c('Xylella', 'Cydia packardi', 'Drosophila suzuki')

and make connection to database, as in code below:

# store SQL connection in a varibale
eppo_SQLite <- pestr::eppo_database_connect()

names of pests

Get pest names using:

# which names from pests variable can be found in SQLite database
# results of this function might be used as an input for eppo_tabletools
# funtions family
pests_names_tables <- pestr::eppo_names_tables(pests, eppo_SQLite)

in result you will have list containing 4 tables:

You might parse results of this function directly to eppo_tabletools_ to obtain data. Other way is to use raw eppocodes as argument (this workflow is explained in Vignettes).

Categorization of pests


# check category of pests using results of eppo_names_tables
pests_cat <- pestr::eppo_tabletools_cat(pests_names_tables, eppo_token)

you will get as result you will get list with two elements:

Hosts of pests

# find hosts of pests using results of eppo_names_tables
pests_hosts <- pestr::eppo_tabletools_hosts(pests_names_tables, eppo_token)

result with two tables:

Taxonomy of Pests and hosts

To get taxonomy use:

# get taxonomy of pests and hosts using results of eppo_names_tables
pests_taxo <- pestr::eppo_tabletools_taxo(pests_names_tables, eppo_token)

This function results are a list of two data frames:

Distribution of pests

The function extracting distribution from EPPO Global Database does not need eppo_token. It can be called like:

# returns distribution of pests using results of eppo_names_tables
pest_distri <- pestr::eppo_tabletools_distri(pests_names_tables)

The result is a two element list:

Names, categorization, distribution, taxonomy and hosts of pests in one shot

Whole condensed table in one shot:

# return condensed table with names, categorization, distribution, taxonomy and
# hosts of pests
eppo_fulltable <- pestr::eppo_table_full(pests, eppo_SQLite, eppo_token)

which you can easily save as csv and use in a spreadsheet:

write.csv(eppo_fulltable, 'eppo_fulltable.csv')

Pests of hosts

Since the EPPO Data Services provides information on pest of particular host, you can easily access information with:

#make vector with names of hosts
hosts <- c("Abies alba", "Triticum")

# query SQLite database to obtain valid names of hosts
hosts_names_tables <- pestr::eppo_names_tables(hosts, eppo_SQLite)

# use results of previous query to find pests of hosts
hosts_pests <- pestr::eppo_tabletools_pests(hosts_names_tables, eppo_token)

Please cite

Please, do remember to cite this package AND EPPO resources:

#to get citation of pestr package
#to get citation of EPPO Global Database
#to get citation of EPPO Data Services
#shortcut to get citation of both EPPO resources

For more details on using pestr package please check vignettes.