mdcollins05 / srt-lang-detect

A tool to detect the language used and rename SRT subtitle files
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Automatically detect the language of the subtitles in a file and rename if necessary.

This script can also change from 2 to 3 letter language codes or back. It will also re-number subtitle files if possible. (See the --two-letter or --three-letter arguments).

Naming of the subtitles is based off of Plex's guide for subtitle naming.

I've tried to be as flexible as possible in determining the parts of an existing subtitle file but I've mostly tested with files already renamed by Sonarr or Radarr, following Trash Guides recommended naming for Sonarr and Radarr. This script doesn't require the above naming schemes to be used but be aware that some formats may produce weird results when using this script.


  1. Clone the repo
  2. Install dependencies (pip3 install -r requirements.txt)
  3. Optionally, install a post-process script by copying it to the appropriate folder and editing the file (except for nzbget scripts)

Manual usage

You can manually run from the command line.

$ ./ --help
usage: [-h] [--rename-files] [--keep-only KEEP_ONLY]
                        [--require-lang-confidence REQUIRE_LANG_CONFIDENCE] [--min-sdh-confidence MIN_SDH_CONFIDENCE]
                        [--max-sdh-confidence MAX_SDH_CONFIDENCE] [--reject-sdh-confidence REJECT_SDH_CONFIDENCE]
                        [--two-letter | --three-letter] [--summary] [--quiet | --verbose]
                        [srt ...]

Detect the language of subtitle(srt) file(s)

positional arguments:
  srt                   One or more subtitle files or directories to operate on

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --rename-files, -r    The default is to do a dry-run. You must specify this option to rename files!
  --keep-only KEEP_ONLY, -k KEEP_ONLY
                        One or more languages to only keep. If `--rename-files` is specified, this will delete any
                        subtitle files that don't match the languages specified!
                        Require a confidence percentage equal or higher than the provided value to delete or rename a
                        file based on language (default 50) (valid range 0-100)
  --min-sdh-confidence MIN_SDH_CONFIDENCE
                        Minimum SDH confidence to consider a file as SDH (default 5) (valid range 0-100)
  --max-sdh-confidence MAX_SDH_CONFIDENCE
                        Maximum SDH confidence to consider a file as SDH (default 85) (valid range 0-100)
  --reject-sdh-confidence REJECT_SDH_CONFIDENCE
                        Reject SDH confidence to remove SDH flag (default 1) (valid range 0-100)
  --two-letter, -2      Prefer 2 letter language code
  --three-letter, -3    Prefer 3 letter language code
  --summary, -s         Provide a summary of the changes
  --quiet, -q           Quiet output. Only errors will be printed on screen
  --verbose, -v         Verbose output. Lines that have been modified will be printed on screen

Please note, the default action is a dry-run! You must specify --rename-files to rename the subtitle file(s).