mddub / nightscout-osx-menubar

View Nightscout data in the OS X menu bar.
MIT License
53 stars 42 forks source link


View CGM data from Nightscout in the OS X menu bar.

Latest version: 0.3.3

nightscout-osx-menubar screenshot



  1. Download this zip file containing the app and unzip it.
  2. Drag "Nightscout Menubar" into your "Applications" folder.
  3. Run it.
  4. (Optional) To run automatically on startup, go to System Preferences > Users & Groups > Login Items, and add Nightscout Menubar to the list.


For now, if you want to customize the display and are comfortable making small edits to a Python file, you can edit within the app package.

In Finder, right-click on the app and click "Show Package Contents". Open Contents/Resources/ in a text editor. All the available configuration is at the top of the file.

For example:

This is not a long-term solution since your modifications won't survive a reinstall of the app. A better configuration system is in the works.


This uses rumps, which provides a nice interface to PyObjC to create simple menu bar apps, and py2app, a Python setuptools command which allows you to package Python scripts as standalone OS X applications.

To run the app in development:

git clone
cd nightscout-osx-menubar
pip install -r requirements.txt --user  # This may take a while

To build a standalone app in dist/:

python py2app



File an issue if you'd like to give feedback, request an enhancement, or report a bug. Pull requests are welcome.


This project is intended for educational and informational purposes only. It is not FDA approved and should not be used to make medical decisions. It is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by Dexcom.