SpriteKit Render Reduce Framework Examples
Loads the largest possible texture into a SpriteKit node.
Loads the largest possible compressed texture using Render Reduce Framework.
Simple Demo of loading a pixel perfect large background image.
Side by side compare of colortable compressed images.
Example of 60 FPS fire animation.
These examples demonstrate a SpriteKit Framework that reduces runtime memory usage for textures rendered via a SKSpriteNode.
For non-photographic images, significant savings are often achieved by default.
For more complex photographic image, significant runtime memory saves are possible with the help of imagemagick.
% convert forest_2048_1536.png -colors 65536 -dither FloydSteinberg forest_2048_1536_65536_fs.png
To add Framework to new project.
Copy RenderReduce.framework and dummy.cpp into your project directory for an Objective-C or Swift project.
Note that the RenderReduce framework is only functional on 64bit iOS hardware. This covers A7 and newer processors.